The pope asked young people to get rid of mobile phones: they are like a drug


"Free yourself from cell phone addiction! It's a big step, a great help and you have to use it, but if you become the slave of the phone, you lose your freedom", says the pontiff to the students of the school Ennio Quirino Visconti from Rome.

He also reminded them that since there are addictions to drugs, "The cell phone is also a drug" What "can reduce communication to simple contacts"

"Life is communicating and not just simple contacts"said the pope to the students, to whom he asked to fight the harbadment that looks like "a war" and he badured that it hurts to know that this phenomenon exists in many schools.

He also asked them not to be afraid.diversities " and he's remembered that "the dialogue between different cultures enriches a country, enriches the homeland and makes us look towards a land of all and not only for some".

At the same time, in another speech to the volunteers of the Italian Association of Organ Donors (AIDO), gathered at the Vatican, the pontiff said that society should react "concrete gestures of solidarity and generous love" in front of what the Church considers as "threats to life", such as abortion and euthanasia.

"In the face of the threats to life that we unfortunately face almost daily, as in the case of abortion and euthanasia, society needs these concrete gestures of solidarity and solidarity. Generous lovehe said.

He also appreciated the act of giving organs "Save other lives, preserve, recover and improve the health of many sick people who have no other alternative".


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