The Pope at the Lazare association: “Go to the outskirts, they are full of loneliness”


The French association which takes care of the poor and the homeless, welcoming them in “solidarity” apartments with young people of different ages, is now ten years old. The anniversary was celebrated with the Pontiff, who gave them a speech in which he recalled that “in an atmosphere full of indifference and selfishness, you make us understand that the values ​​of authentic life are to be found in the welcoming differences and mutual respect. human dignity “.

Salvatore Cernuzio – Vatican City

“Go to the peripheries, which are often full of loneliness, sadness, inner wounds and loss of will to live. With your words and actions, pour the oil of consolation and healing on the wounded hearts.” In the speech delivered, Pope Francis encourages the mission of Lazare, a French association which takes care of the poor and the homeless, by accommodating them in “solidarity” apartments with young people of different ages. This innovative project, born in France and now extending to other countries, is now ten years old. Precisely on the occasion of the tenth anniversary, volunteers and guests of Lazarus are received by the Pope, who had already met a small representation of the association at Casa Santa Marta on May 21.

Welcome, kindness and listening are the real values

In the speech delivered, the Pope first of all expresses his deep gratitude to the workers and volunteers of Lazarus “for the beautiful experience you are living in the coexistence and the fraternity that you live every day”: “You have the possibility of to be, not only for yourselves but also for the world, a showcase of the social friendship that we are all called to live “.

In an environment marked by indifference, individualism and selfishness, you make us understand that the values ​​of authentic life are found in the acceptance of differences, respect for human dignity, listening, attention. and service to the most humble “.

“It is only by cultivating this type of relationship that we will make possible an inclusive social friendship and a brotherhood open to all,” said Francisco.

The poor are precious in the sight of God

Then, the Pontiff addresses the poor, the sick and the homeless, who are welcomed daily by the association. The invitation extended to them is not to be discouraged: “In society, one can feel isolated, rejected and undergo exclusion.

Your testimony of life reminds us that the poor are true evangelizers because they were the first to be evangelized and called to share in the happiness of the Lord and of his Kingdom.

As during the audience in May, the Pope recalls that the poor have “a special place” in the heart of God: “Although the world looks at you with contempt, you are precious, you say a lot in the eyes of the Lord. The Pope insists: “God loves you, you are his privileged. So don’t let them rob you of the joy of living and helping others to live.

Bet on free love

Hence a new invitation to “remain firm in your convictions and in your faith”, but also to “go beyond” the normal mission accomplished during the last decade:

Spread the fire of love that warms cold and arid hearts. Do not be satisfied with a life of friendship and sharing between the members of your association, but go further. Dare to bet on love freely given and received.


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