The Pope began the Lenten Retreat | Chronic


"There is no dialogue with the devil". It was one of the pope's sentences Francisco during the Sunday Angelus, before the week of spiritual exercises for Lent. Before the faithful gather in St. Peter's Square, the pontiff recounted the experience of Jesus' temptations in the desert.

"After fasting for forty days, the devil tempted Jesus three times", began, before adding that "Jesus does not enter into dialogue, but responds to the three challenges with the word of God ". "This teaches us that with the devil there is no dialogue, we can not dialogue, we can only respond with the word of God "he said.

I ask you all to remember in your prayers for me and my collaborators of the Roman Curia; This afternoon we will begin the week of spiritual exercises.

– Pope Francisco (@Pontifex_es)
March 10, 2019

After Sunday's meeting, Francis and members of the Vatican Curia yesterday began the week of Lenten spiritual exercises in the home of the divine Master of Ariccia on the outskirts of Rome. The activity, which will continue until next Friday, will be on the theme "The city of ardent desires, Easter views and gestures in the life of the world".

"May the Lenten journey that has just begun be rich in fruit "Wished Francisco, after the Angelus.


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