The Pope called for the “suspension of property rights …


Pope Francis reiterated this Saturday his request to “temporary suspension of intellectual property rights” coronavirus vaccines, a debate that has been relaunched with the support of the United States to the initiative, while emphasizing the demand for “universal access” to drugs.

The Pope called for “a spirit of justice that mobilizes us to ensure universal access to the vaccine and the temporary suspension of intellectual property rights”, in a video message he sent to the event “Vax Live: the concert to bring the world together, ”which is streaming this weekend.

In his video, which he confirmed Telam was recorded before the US administration’s announcement announcing a similar position, the Pope was also summoned to work for “a spirit of communion that allows us to generate a different, more inclusive, fair and sustainable economic model“.

“The coronavirus has produced death and suffering, affecting the lives of everyone, especially the most vulnerable,” Jorge Bergoglio framed in his speech.

“Y a variant of this virus is closed nationalism, which prevents, for example, an internationalism of vaccines. Another variant is to place the laws of the market or intellectual property on the laws of love and health of mankind, ”he lamented.

In this sense, he also regretted: “Another variant is to create and promote a sick economy, which allows a very rich few to own more than the rest of humanity, and which the models of production and consumption destroy. the planet, our common home. “.

Then Francisco said that “obviously we are in a crisis”; that “the pandemic has put us all in crisis”.

“But don’t forget that We do not come out of a crisis the same way. Either we turn out better or worse. The problem is having the inventiveness to find ways that are better, ”he called.

Earlier this week, the United States announced its support for the release of patents for coronavirus vaccines at the World Trade Organization (WTO), a position which so far both this country and the powers that be Europe and several of their allies have been vetoed despite increasing dose shortages across most of the planet and the worsening pandemic.

“This is a global health crisis and the extraordinary circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic call for extraordinary measures,” Washington Trade Representative to the WTO Katherine Tai said.


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