The pope fears a bloodbath in Venezuela


January 28, 2019
– 09:01

The pontiff met with journalists during the flight that connected him from Panama to Rome. "I support all the Venezuelan people who are suffering," he said.

The dad Francisco He admitted Monday that he feared "the bloodbath" in Venezuela and that he is supporting the inhabitants of this country "who is suffering," he told reporters on board the ship. plane that took him from Panama to Rome.

"What scares me? Blood shed"he badured in front of some 70 journalists who accompanied him.


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"I support all the Venezuelan people who suffer if I could say that he would listen to these countries or those others, I would put myself in a role I do not know, it would be a pastoral imprudence on my part and it would hurt, "he said.

In this context, Francis called for "a just and peaceful solution to overcome the crisis in respect of human rights and for the good of all the inhabitants of the country".


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