The pope fleeing to Africa and to the heart close to the victims of Hurricane Dorian


The pope fleeing to Africa and to the heart close to the victims of Hurricane Dorian

Vatican City (AICA):"Pray for the tragedy in the Bahamas," asked the French journalist this morning to the journalists who accompany him on his long journey to Africa for his 31st apostolic visit, from September 4 to 10, in Mozambique. in Madagascar and Mauritius. . On the way to Maputo, the pope concluded his traditional greetings to reporters to invite them to a personal prayer for the Caribbean people overwhelmed by the disaster caused by Hurricane Dorian and the desire for "fruits" for the visit to Africa.

"Pray for the tragedy in the Bahamas," asked the French journalist this morning to the journalists who accompany him on his long journey to Africa for his 31st apostolic visit, from September 4 to 10, in Mozambique. in Madagascar and Mauritius. . On the way to Maputo, the pope concluded his traditional greetings to reporters to invite them to a personal prayer for the Caribbean people overwhelmed by the disaster caused by Hurricane Dorian and the desire for "fruits" for the visit to Africa.

Francisco is aware of the devastation left by the hurricane, especially in the Bahamas – information and images speak of thousands of homeless and dead people in the streets, strewn with rubble. "These poor people, who lose their homes overnight, lose everything, even life," said the pontiff, VaticanNews reported.

"Let's hope that this long road will bear fruit," said Francisco in greetings to journalists, preceded by the words of the new director of the Vatican press office, Matteo Bruni, during his first trip in his new role.

The Pope was very aware of news about the group of colleagues on board. He declared that he wished to pay a "tribute" and, therefore, a "special space" to the colleague of EFE, the Spanish agency, which is celebrating its 80th anniversary, which will give it Occasion, at the press conference on the return flight. , to ask additional questions to Francisco.

For his part, the Holy Father stressed the absence of Valentina Azlaraki, a journalist with "Televisa", Dean of the Vaticanists in the press room, who has made 153 apostolic trips in this circumstance.

Today morning at 7 am, before leaving the Santa Marta House to get to the airport, Pope Francis found about 12 people isolated by the Astalli Center and the Community of San Egidio, as well as the Mozambique, Madagascar and Mauritius. . The group was accompanied by the apostolic beggar, Cardinal Konrad Krajewski.

At 0720, after leaving the Vatican, the pope drove to the Rome-Fiumicino International Airport from where, shortly after, aboard a ship. A330 from Alitalia, he left for Mozambique.

The arrival at the airport of Maputo is scheduled at 18:30.

On leaving Italian territory, the Holy Father sent a telegram to the President of the Italian Republic, the Honorable Sergio Mattarella: "When I prepare to make an apostolic journey to Mozambique, Madagascar and Mauritius In the faith and to the inhabitants of these dear nations, I am pleased to express to you, Mr. President, my cordial greetings, accompanied by fervent prayers for the good of the Italian people. "+


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