The Pope follows his normal course: he ate lunch and walked


The Holy See press office released a new medical report, after the Pope’s surgery for diverticular stenosis of the colon was successfully completed on July 4: Francis rested well overnight and read a few newspapers this morning. Good results in routine checks.

Vatican News

The postoperative period of the pope, admitted since Sunday, July 4, in the afternoon, at the Gemelli hospital in Rome for a colon operation, is going well.

This is what the director of the Press Office of the Holy See, Matteo Bruni, said.

“His Holiness Pope Francis – says the declaration – rested well during the night. This morning he ate breakfast, read newspapers and got up to walk.”

“The postoperative course – added Bruni on the basis of the indications of the doctors who treat the Sovereign Pontiff – is regular. The routine checks are good.”


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