The pope has appointed as spokesman a man of maximum confidence | Chronic


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Rome in July: At the peak of the summer season, when no one was expecting it – it's like January in Buenos Aires – the Vatican announced that Matteo Bruni was appointed by Francisco as the new director of the Holy See's press office (Sala Stampa).

Matteo has been working there for 10 years, coordinating the organization of journalists on His Holiness' flights abroad, in Italy and at all important events in the Vatican. We are talking about a man with the sensitivity of the poor on the surface. He has lived with the community of Sant Egidio since he was high school student. To form a family with his wife and Matildeyour little girl

Because of his sensitivity, he believes in the church of everyone, especially the poor. It's like an angel guarding Chronicbecause, like so many other correspondents, he accompanies the work from the first steps of the Holy See. We are talking about a graduate in foreign language and literature.

Humble, simple, Matteo knows that the pontificate of Bergoglio is recounted by his gestures, his words, his choices, but he will give historical significance to certain events that will be better understood in a broader perspective. He is not a spokesperson, but more than that, as he will badume the responsibility of being the ultimate authority of the Stampa.

All decided Francisco, very calm. Nobody expected it. Most are on vacation, except the one staying in Santa Marta. He did the same thing in Buenos Aires, who spent his summers in the cathedral. The residence of Castel Gandolfo, where the popes were on vacation, is now a museum because the Pontiff has opened the doors to the community so that everyone can enjoy it.

The journalists' commotion was unprecedented. Without warning, the news spread and everyone went to work. Matteo, 43, is the son of an Italian father and an Australian mother. This crucible of ancestors does not hide its stature, its white complexion and its blond hair like a ray of sunshine. Among other auspices of singular quality, he speaks English, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Serbian and Croatian.

His nomination is the strawberry dessert that complements the organization chart of the Vatican Press Service. The Pope once again demonstrated that there were three things that God does not know: how many congregations of nuns are present, how much money the Salesians deal with and what a Jesuit thinks.


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