The pope has changed the Lord's prayer


The British Church has already stated that it will not change the English version.

Pope Francis approved the changes in the Lord's Prayer already adopted by the Italian Episcopal Conference (IEC). There are also changes in the prayer of glory. The changes will not have any impact in Argentina. The Lord's prayer in Italian included the phrase "no indurre in tentazione", which in Spanish would be translated by "does not induce us to temptation" and now replaced by "non abbandonarci alla tentazione", that is, say "do not give in to temptation" in Spanish. In 2017, Pope Francis argued that this sentence of the Italian version was not correct because it baderted that God could induce men to temptation and that it was therefore more appropriate to use a phrase similar to "do not let us fall temptation."

"In the Lord's prayer, that God brings us to temptation is not a good translation." The French also changed the text with a translation that says, "Let's not be seduced." It's me who fall, not God throwing me, "he said. The new formula adopted by the Italian Church is therefore similar to that used for many years in Spain, "do not let us seduce". The change in the Italian version advanced by Cardinal Walter Basetti could lead to changes in the versions in other languages ​​that follow this language, such as English, although the first journalistic versions showed a rejection of the modification of the Anglo-Saxon text. The spokeswoman for the British Church, quoted by the newspaper The Sun, had already rejected the changes: "The prayer was changed in Italian, there is no plan for the moment for her to change to English. "

What's happening in Argentina? "There will be no change, because it is not a theological change, but a grammatical adjustment, for the problems of translation," they explained at the Bishops' Conference. Argentina. A similar change was made years ago, when it went from "forgive our debts" to "forgive our offenses".

The episcopal conferences of the world can choose if they follow the decision of the bishops of Italy to review the most widespread prayer of Catholicism. Similarly, the IEC changed the Gloria prayer, in the part in which it is written: "step by step in the earth" ("peace on earth to men of good will") by "step by step in the street agli uomini, amati dal Signore "(" peace on earth to men, loved by the Lord ").

-> A famous shrine intervened

More faith and miracles and less business. This is what the sanctuary of Lourdes needs and that is why the pope has appointed a "delegate" for the care of pilgrims, that is to say a virtual intermediary. A destination for millions of pilgrims from around the world and famous not only for their appearances, but also for the hundreds of stalls selling everything, the Sanctuary of Lourdes, one of the largest in the world, has been placed under the direct direction of Bishop Antoine Hérouard, Auxiliary Bishop of Lille.


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