The Pope in politics: “clean energy, fight against hunger and sustainability”


The Holy Father meets the parliamentarians who are preparing the United Nations COP26 climate summit in Glasgow and launches a strong appeal to the politicians of the world: “I ask you to promote action towards an ecological and educational conversion with solidarity and responsibility and we urgently need wise and just laws ”.

Mireia Bonilla – Vatican City

This afternoon, the Holy Father met the participants of the Interparliamentary Meeting in view of the COP26 in the Paul IV room of the Vatican, after his meeting on October 4 with various religious and scientific leaders during which he signed a joint call for COP26. . Today, Pope Francis reminded politicians of the world of this call and to all those who are called to occupy positions of great responsibility in the different spheres of society.

“On this occasion, animated by a spirit of brotherhood, we were able to perceive a strong convergence of all the different voices in the expression of two aspects. On the one hand, the pain for the serious damage done to the human family and their common home; on the other, the urgency to initiate a change of course capable of moving decisively and convincingly from the culture of elimination, which prevails in our society, to a culture of care ” the pope said.

The Pope explained that, although it is a demanding and complex challenge, “humanity has the means to face this transformation, which requires a true interior conversion and the firm will to undertake it” . And this requires it above all – he underlined – “of those who are called to occupy positions of great responsibility in the various spheres of society”.

Challenges, action, example and education

In his speech, François recalled that in the joint appeal that they signed, and that I entrust to them ideally by handing it over to the presidents of the two chambers of the Italian Parliament, “there are many commitments that we intend to assume in the field of action and example, as well as in education ”. Indeed, the Pope assured us that we are faced with an important educational challenge, because “any change requires an educational path to mature a new universal solidarity and a more welcoming society”.

Pope’s appeal to the governments of the world

Francisco made it clear: “I call on governments to quickly adopt a path that limits the rise in global average temperature and to promote courageous actions, also strengthening international cooperation.” And specifically, he asks them to “promote the transition to clean energy; adopt sustainable land use practices that preserve forests and biodiversity; that promote food systems that respect the environment and local cultures; continue the fight against hunger and malnutrition; and which support sustainable lifestyles, consumption and production ”.

The Pope explained that this is a transition towards a more global and comprehensive development model, based on solidarity and responsibility and in which everyone “has their role”, “and that of parliamentarians is particularly important, I would say that decisive ”underlined. In addition, he specified that this “change of course” as demanding as that which awaits us requires “great wisdom, clairvoyance and a sense of the common good, which are fundamental virtues of a good policy”.

Finally, he expressed his wish that the work for the COP26 “be illuminated by two important” beacons “: the beacon of responsibility and the beacon of solidarity” and for that – he concluded – “we we need urgency, wisdom and just laws ”.


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