The pope led the closing mass of the summit against abuses: "It reminds me of the sacrifices of human beings"


Pope Francis on Sunday compared the "scourge" of badual abuse of children with previous religious practices of "offering human beings," he said at the end of the pedophile summit held in the Vatican.

"This is reminiscent of the cruel religious practice, prevalent in the past in some cultures, of offer human beings – often children – as sacrifices during pagan rites"The Pope said after repeating that the Church was determined to fight this phenomenon with" the utmost seriousness ".

"I would like to reaffirm clearly: if in the Church we discover a single case of abuse – which already represents in itself a monstrosity – this case will be approached with the utmost seriousness", he added in a long speech before the leaders of the 114 episcopal conferences of the world, secretaries of congregations, bishops and cardinals gathered in the Vatican Salia Regia.

The pope compared Sunday
The pope compared the "scourge" of badual abuse of children with past religious practices of "offering human beings" on Sunday.

For the Pope the aggressor "It's an instrument of Satan", he said, recalling that the Church is confronted with a manifestation of evil "shameless, destructive and aggressive".

In his speech, the Pope spoke of statistics around the world and badured that the Church was determined to implement the strategies of international organizations, between the UN and the World Health Organization, to eliminate pedophilia.

"It is therefore not possible to understand the phenomenon of badual abuse of minors without taking into consideration the power, these abuses are always a consequence of the abuse of power, taking advantage of a position of inferiority of the defenseless people being mistreated, "he said.

"The abuse of power is present in other forms of abuse of which nearly 85 million children are victims, forgotten by all: child soldiers, minors prostitutes, malnourished children, children abducted and frequently victims of the monstrous trade in human organs, or turned into slaves, child victims of war, refugee children, aborted children, etc., "he added.

"Faced with such cruelty, before all this idolatrous sacrifice of children to the god of power, money, pride, pride, simple empirical explanations are not enough. they can not make us understand the magnitude and depth of the drama, "he admitted. .


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