The pope on the sexual abuse committed on nuns: "Priests and bishops acted in this way"


Pope Francisco admitted Tuesday that priests and bishops badually abused, in the plane back to the United Arab Emirates for Italy. "There were priests and also bishops who did it", said the pope, who had never addressed this issue at the request of a journalist, according to the report of TN.

The women's supplement of the Vatican newspaper "L'Osservatore Romano" dedicated its February issue to the case of badual abuse and power to the religious and its director, Lucetta Scaraffia, asked the church to do not ignore this situation of oppression against women.

The Pontiff also said that this problem was still topical: "I believe that this is always done, it is not that it ends when you realize it.

Francisco lamented that, in general, "the mistreatment of women is a problem" and that "humanity has not yet matured" and that the woman is still considered "second clbad" and, in some countries, happens to "feminicide".

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"We have been working on this issue for a long time, we have suspended several clergy who have been fired for this cause," said Francisco, without mentioning names or countries.

"Do we have to do something else?" Yes, we have the will. Yes, but it's a path that comes from far away, "he said.

"Pope Benedict had the courage to close a female congregation that had a certain level, because he had entered into this slavery, even badual, on the part of the religious or the founder, and sometimes the founder deprived the nuns of their freedom to come to that, "he said.

Francisco concluded by saying that he wanted to continue to fight against religious abuse: "I want to go ahead, there are cases, we are working".


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