The Pope received a victim of pedophilia by Fernando Karadima – News


The Pope met yesterday in the Vatican with Juan Carlos Cruz, one of the best known victims of the pedophilia of the former Chilean priest Fernando Karadima, who was also recently included in the Pontifical Commission for the protection of minors.

Cruz himself announced this meeting today on his Twitter account through a message through which he thanked Pope Francis for his appointment and reaffirmed his “commitment to continue helping victims of sexual abuse through the world”.

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The activist against ecclesiastical abuse and one of the biggest critics against the handling of the case in which the bishop of Osorno Juan Barros was revealed to be a cover-up of the sexual abuse committed by Karadima in his diocese, has published several photos of the meeting.

After asking for forgiveness and admitting that he was not well informed about the Karadima case, the Pope opened an investigation led by Maltese Bishop Charles Scicluna, one of the Church’s leading experts on these matters. .

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The Pope then received Cruz and two other victims of sexual abuse by the Chilean clergy, James Hamilton and José André Murillo, in his residence at Casa Santa Marta, where they stayed as guests.

Francisco summoned the bishops of the Episcopal Conference of the Andean country in chapter and forced their resignation en bloc.

In May 2018, the Pope had a private meeting with Juan Carlos Cruz and, according to what he himself told the press, Francis told him that it was God who made him homosexual and that God and the Pope loved him.

“He said to me: ‘God made you like this. God loves you like that. The Pope loves you like that and you should love yourself and not worry about what people say'” , revealed Cruz, who lives in the United States, where he works as an executive of a company, for various media.

The Vatican then refrained from commenting on the Pontiff’s alleged statements, considering that it was a private meeting.


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