The Pope received the Archbishop of Lyon after his conviction for concealing abuses


Pope Francis received Monday the Archbishop of Lyon, Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, after announcing that he would present his resignation after being sentenced in France for concealing the badual abuse of minors by a priest of his diocese.

Barbarin, 68 years old and head of the archdiocese of Lyon for 17 years, was sentenced on March 7th and that same day, he claimed that he would go to the Vatican to present his resignation to the pope, without, however, specifying if he would also ask to be excluded from the College of Cardinals.

For the moment, the Vatican has only indicated that the meeting took place, which indicates that Pope Francis will take the time to make his decision regarding his resignation as Archbishop of Barbarin.

The cardinal sits on the bench in January, along with other ecclesiastical accusations, accused of not reporting the abuse of children for 25 years by the priest Bernard Preynat.

In addition to the prison sentence, to which Barbarin should be subject only in case of recidivism, he will have to pay a symbolic allowance of one euro to eight victims of Preynat who denounced him.

The cardinal has already announced that he will appeal the sentence.


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