The pope recognizes the abuses of the nuns of some priests and bishops


EFE February 5, 2019 | 12:46

(EFE) .- Pope Francis today acknowledged the abuses committed by priests and bishops over some nuns and said that he was working to find solutions to this situation that "comes from far away" during the press conference organized when he returned from the UAE. United Arab Emirates

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"It is true that there were clerics in the Church who acted in this way (…) Priests and bishops did", did he said about denunciations of abuses committed by some religious, according to the transcript of the press conference offered by "Vatican Insider".

The women's supplement of the Vatican newspaper "L'Osservatore Romano" dedicated its February issue to the case of badual abuse of nuns and its director, Lucetta Scaraffia, asked the Church not to ignore this situation of oppression against women.

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