The Pope: reject sin, strongly ask for the grace of conversion


Because “there are many bonds that keep us close to sin,” conversion “is a grace” that we must strongly ask for. Conversion involves detachment from sin and worldliness, and its ultimate goal is fellowship and friendship with God. It is a synthesis of what the Pope said this Sunday, reflecting on the Gospel of the day, at the time of the Sunday Angelus.

Like every Sunday, Pope Francis leaned out of the window of the Apostolic Palace to pray with the faithful present in St. Peter’s Square the Marian prayer of the Angelus Sunday. On this second Sunday of Advent, he reflected on the figure and work of John the Baptist who “indicated to his contemporaries a journey of faith similar to that which Advent offers us”: this journey of faith – affirmed the Pontiff – is a way of conversion.

Conversion involves detachment from sin and worldliness

As taught by the Baptist, who in the Judean wilderness proclaimed “a baptism of conversion for the forgiveness of sins,” to convert, Francis explained “means to pass from evil to good, from sin to the love of God ”, both in moral and spiritual life. At that time, “receiving baptism was an outward and visible sign of conversion” for those who listened to Baptist preaching and “decided to do penance”. However, baptism “was useless without the willingness to repent and change your life.”

“Conversion involves the pain of sins committed, the desire to be free from them, the goal of excluding them forever from one’s life. To exclude sin, we must also reject everything related to it: worldly mentality, excessive attachment to comfort, excessive attachment to pleasure, well-being, wealth. “

John the Baptist, an austere man, who renounces the superfluous and seeks the essential “, underlined François,” is the example of this detachment from sin and worldliness “.

The purpose of fellowship and friendship with God

But the Pope also spoke of the “other aspect” of conversion, which is “the end of the path” constituted by “the search for God and his kingdom”:

“The abandonment of comfort and the worldly mentality is not an end in itself, it is not asceticism only to do penance: the Christian does not act as a fakir. This is another thing. Detachment is not an end in itself, but rather it aims to achieve something greater, namely the kingdom of God, fellowship with God, friendship with God. “

This goal “is not easy”, added the Holy Father, “because there are many bonds which keep us close to sin: inconstancy, discouragement, malice, bad environment and bad examples”. Sometimes – he continued – the impulse we feel towards the Lord is too weak and it almost seems that God is silent; His promises of consolation seem distant and unreal to us, like the image of the diligent and caring shepherd that resonates in the reading of Isaiah today. It is then that the “temptation” is felt to say that it is “impossible to truly convert”: this discouragement, said the Pope, “is the quicksand of a mediocre existence”.

A “grace” that must be asked with force

“What can we do in these cases?” Asked Pope Francis. “First of all, remember that conversion is a grace”, he affirmed, and, as “no one can be converted with his own strength”, “we must ask God with strength to convert us” .

“We truly become as we open ourselves to the beauty, the goodness, the tenderness of God.”

At the end of his reflection, the Sovereign Pontiff prayed that Mary Most Holy, whom we will celebrate the day after tomorrow as Immaculate Conception, “help us to detach ourselves more and more from sin and worldliness, to open ourselves to God, to his word, to his love which regenerates and saves ”.

No pandemic or crisis can extinguish the light of God

After the Marian prayer, the Pontiff asked that in these days when so many homes are preparing the Christmas tree and the manger “for the joy of children and adults”, we go beyond these “signs of hope”, it is that is to say to its meaning: to Jesus, the love of God that he revealed to us and to the infinite goodness that made the world shine.

“There is no pandemic, no crisis that can extinguish this light. Let it enter our hearts and reach out to those who need it most. So God will be born again in us and among us. “


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