The pope rejected the resignation of a cardinal convicted of concealing abuse on children | Chronic


Pope Francis rejected the cardinal's resignation Philippe Barbarin, condemned in France for concealing the badual abuse of minors of a priest of his diocese of the city of Lyon, the prelate announced Tuesday that he would retire temporarily to the head of this pastoral jurisdiction.

"Monday morning, I gave my resignation to the Holy Father, invoking the presumption of innocence, he refused to accept it"Barbarin said in a statement issued by the diocese of Lyon, in central France.

Pope "He left me the freedom to make the decision that seems the best for the life of the diocese of Lyon." On his suggestion and because the Lyon church has suffered for three years, I decided to retire for a while "he said in the statement quoted by international news agencies.

Barbarin, aged 68 and head of the diocese of Lyon for 17 years, one of the most traditional of France, was tried this year at the same time as other ecclesiastical accusers accused of not to have denounced the abuses committed by the priest Bernard Preynat since 25 years.

Sentenced to six months in prison, dispensed from justice and sentenced to pay a symbolic allowance of one euro to eight of the victims of Preynat who had denounced, Barbarin went to the Vatican Monday to present his resignation to Pope Francis.

Although Francisco did not accept it, the cardinal pointed out in his note that the personal decision to retire is effective as of Tuesday and that the direction of the diocese remains in the hands of the vicar general and moderator, Yves Baumgarten.

The acting spokesman of the Vatican, Alessandro Gisotti, confirmed the news in another statement and stressed that "The Holy See is ready to reiterate its closeness to the victims of abuse, the faithful of the archdiocese of Lyon and the whole of the Church of France who are living a particularly painful moment ".


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