The pope said that "in life, everything is not resolved with justice" – 24/04/2019


The upheaval provoked by the terrorist attacks perpetrated by the ultra-Islamic ISIS in Sri Lanka, which has cost so far, dominates the Church. 359 dead, including about 50 children, mainly Catholics celebrating Easter Sunday. In general audience this Wednesday on St. Peter's Square, the pope said that "In life, everything is not resolved with justice."

Francisco pointed out that "Evil knows his revenge and if it is not interrupted, it threatens to spread, smothering the whole world. "

"Wherever there should be a dam against evil, someone should love more than he should to start a story of grace again," Bergoglio added, stressing that "God's grace is strong." always strives because he asks his children to be forgiven by the Father, to forgive their brothers in turn"

Franciso welcomes the crowd on Wednesday in Plaza de San Pedro (AFP).

Franciso welcomes the crowd on Wednesday in Plaza de San Pedro (AFP).

Stronger conviction words Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith, Archbishop of Colombo, capital of Sri Lanka, used the bombs nine "kamikazes" They killed the largest number of victims in three churches and two luxury hotels. Terrorists "must be pitilessly punished because they are worse than animals", said in an interview at the Italian site "Vatican Insider".

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"It was horrible to see all those deaths, so much blood, so much destruction. At the sight of corpses in churches from Sri Lanka, I let my soul speak, "he added without retracting.

The Church has asked the government to conduct a "severe and impartial" investigation. He stressed that "The death penalty is legal in our country but it has not been applied for more than 45 years. Archbishop Ranjith said that "if we follow the teachings of the Church and the most recent indications of Pope Francis, we consider the death penalty to be unacceptable. However, we ask for a penalty equal to the fault: life sentence"

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The pope goes Wednesday on the Plaza de San Pedro aboard the Popemobile (AFP).

The pope goes Wednesday on the Plaza de San Pedro aboard the Popemobile (AFP).

The cardinal said that "we must isolate people who practice hatred against so many people". He added that given the risk of reactions, "I have asked bishops and priests to make calls to keep the peace, violence does not reduce violence, it stimulates it."

Bishop Ranjith concluded that "we try to find the reason for all this in the faith and especially to overcome the moment with courage." We do not interrupt interreligious dialogue. "He said the pope, who called him to the celebration of Easter "Dear brother", announcing the attacks last Sunday, "he did not call me on the phonebut I want to thank you for your beautiful words of solidarity and prayer. "

At today 's general audience in Rome, Francisco compared "the Talion law, which says what you have done to me, I am doing it to you", and that Jesus l' Replaced by the law of love: what God has done I give it back to you! God gives each Christian the grace of writing a good story in the lives of his brothers. "



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