The Pope spends a quiet day and gradually resumes his work


The pope’s postoperative period continues and he gradually resumes work. Francisco thanks the medical staff who assist him at the Gemelli Polyclinic and expresses his closeness to those who suffer.

Vatican News

“Pope Francis’ journey has gone smoothly, with the expected clinical development. The blood tests are satisfactory and he is continuing the prescribed treatment.” This is what reports the director of the Press Office of the Holy See, Matteo Bruni.

El Papa, continúa el comunicado, “está retomando poco a poco el trabajo y sigue caminando por el pasillo del apartamento. Por la tarde, celebró la Santa Misa en la capilla privada y por la noche cenó en común con los que le asisten en estos days”.

“The Holy Father – concludes the declaration -, touching with his own hand the human devotion of the medical personnel who assist him, addresses a special thought to all those who, with care and compassion, choose the face of suffering, engaging in a personal relationship with patients, in particular the most fragile and vulnerable.


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