The Pope spoke about his health: “This is the second time that a nurse has saved my life” | Francisco denied resignation rumors


Pope Francis has revealed his health is in danger after the surgery he underwent almost two months ago and admitted that while he was recovering a nurse “saved his life”. Thanks to him “I’m alive”, declared the pontiff and questioned, at the same time, the rumors of an alleged resignation: “Every time a pope is sick, there is a breeze or a hurricane of conclave”.

This is the first time that Jorge Bergoglio confesses what during the first days of July were only journalistic speculation and rumors: there were complications in his health and due to his stay at the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome it was longer than expected.

At that time, the Argentine Pope had to undergo surgery for severe diverticular stenosis with signs of sclerosing diverticulitis, in which part of the colon was removed. It was ten days of hospitalization in the Italian capital and the only complication that was mentioned was “a few tenths of fever” which he noted four days after the operation.

The Pope was saved by a nurse

Already recovered from this episode and returning to the plenary session of his activities, Francisco gave details of these days during an interview with the Spanish radio station COPE, some fragments of which have now been transcended and which will be broadcast in full next Wednesday.

-How are you?

Still alive – Replies the Pope.

“I understand that it was the action of a nurse who alerted him,” commented journalist Carlos Herrera.

Saved my life. A man of a lot of experience. This is the second time in my life that a nurse has saved my life. The first dates from the year 57.

Bergoglio referred to a fact that he had said before and that It happened when I was a seminarian. That year when I was living in ArgentinaHe suffered from very severe pneumonia for which he was being treated. It was then that a nun with knowledge of nursing changed the medication which, in the end, gave more results than that prescribed by the doctors.

“The Conclave Hurricanes”

In the interview with Spanish radio, the Pope also referred to the journalistic versions that circulated during his hospitalization and which referred to theResignation possible due to health problems.

“When the health of the pope is in question, many think or insist on the old argument of resignation”, commented the journalist.

“Whenever a pope is sick, there is a conclave breeze or hurricane,” Bergoglio replied ironically.

According to the interviewer, during the meeting with the Pope which took place in the library of Santa Marta Residence These speculations and other personal issues were also discussed.

During the last public appearances, Francisco appeared to have fully recovered, although during a recent hearing with Catholic lawmakers, he began his speech by apologizing for not being able to speak standing up because he is still “in the postoperative period of his intervention”.


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