The pope told the Argentine bishops that he wanted to come to the country


Pope Francis yesterday received the first group of Argentine bishops who went to Rome for the traditional visit made by the prelates every five years. On that day Rosario's representative, Msgr. Eduardo Martín, participated.

The pontiff expressed his concern about the polarization prevailing in the country and expressed his desire to visit Argentina, without specifying a date.

"The pope has expressed his desire to visit us on several occasions, but the difficulty is an agenda," Archbishop Andres Stanovnik, Archbishop of Corrientes, told the press.

Archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández, Archbishop of La Plata, said: "We have no clue in itself or by default we only know that it is very difficult."

"His program is now more marked by the needs of the church and society of the complex world than by his feelings," said the platense prelate.

During the two-hour meeting with the Pope, representatives from the Catholic Church of Northeast, Litoral and La Plata discussed issues of interest to the dioceses.

In an official statement of the Episcopal Conference of Argentina, they stressed that the bishops had informed the Holy Father of the situation of their dioceses and their challenges.

The pope motivated them to be witnesses of the faith, to evangelize and urged them to "accompany especially the young people of Argentina, to devote time to this accompaniment".

The bishops discussed the reality of priestly vocations and the importance of education in Argentina. In this sense, Francis encouraged them to continue to strengthen the task of the Church in this important aspect.

Martin's Mbad

The meeting with the pope is called "ad limina apostolorum" and it is a visit that all diocesan bishops must perform in "the home of the apostles", that is to say in Rome periodically, to inform the pope of the activity of the local churches in each country.

The day yesterday began with the pilgrimage of bishops to the Basilica of San Pedro.

There, they went to the basement, where they celebrated mbad at the tomb of the apostle, presided over by Bishop Eduardo Martín.

In his homily, the Bishop of Rosario pointed out that it was a long-awaited visit. "But we are not moved by sympathy but by faith, we will not see Jorge, we will see, he is the pope, we obey him," he told other prelates in the country.

He also stressed: "We come to be confirmed in his faith, follow Peter, follow Christ, and Francis calls us as pastors a great responsibility of the episcopate (…). François continually takes us out of the region, comforting us with the challenge of changing and having a horizon beyond, "he said.

After Mbad, the bishops of Argentina were received in audience by the Holy Father.

The meeting took place in a climate of exchange, dialogue and fraternity.

In the afternoon, the bishops continued the program of the day. They visited the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, the Palace of San Paolo, the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, the Pontifical Council for Legislative Acts and the Secretariat. for communication.

On Sunday, the second group of 29 bishops from different parts of the country will visit the second group.


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