The Pope: we invoke the Holy Spirit for peace in the Holy Land


The Holy Father asks all the pastors and faithful of the Catholic Church, to join in prayer with the Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land, to invoke the Holy Spirit, “so that Israelis and Palestinians find the way of dialogue and forgiveness “. The Pentecostal Vigil will take place in St. Stephen’s Church in Jerusalem at 4:00 p.m. in Rome.

Vatican City

“Tomorrow afternoon, the Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land will celebrate the Pentecost Vigil with their faithful in the Church of St. Stephen in Jerusalem, imploring the gift of peace. I take this opportunity to ask all the pastors and faithful of the Catholic Church to join them in prayer ”, is the invitation that Pope Francis addressed to the whole Church this Friday, May 21, receiving in audience with non-resident ambassadors accredited to the Holy See.

We invoke the Spirit for dialogue and peace

The meeting with the diplomats gave him the opportunity for the Holy Father to orient his reflections on what is happening in these days in the Holy Land. “I thank God for the decision to stop the armed clashes – said the Pontiff – and I hope that the paths of dialogue and of peace will be followed.” In addition, Pope Francis hopes that the supplication to the Holy Spirit will rise in every community “so that Israelis and Palestinians may find the way of dialogue and forgiveness – as he emphasized in his appeal last Sunday afterwards. to have prayed the prayer of the Regina Coeli – to be patient builders of peace and justice, opening up step by step to a common hope, to a coexistence between brothers ”.


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