The pope: "When you see a priest who misses the course, tell him to return to the right path" – 04/02/2019


Pope Francis asked the help of young people in the fight against badual abuse in the Church and he proposed that when they see a priest "in danger", they remind him of his "commitment" and encourage him to return to "the right path". This is indicated in his post-synodal apostolic exhortation "The Living Christ", a document inspired by the reflections and dialogues of the Synod of Bishops on the young people last October.

In the text signed on March 25 in Loreto and published on Tuesday, April 2, the pontiff dedicates a section to the abuses entitled "Put an end to all types of abuse" in which he says: "there is no turning back" in the application of "actions and sanctions" and in which he invites young people to demand the "coherence" of priests and religious.

"I ask young people when they see a priest in danger, because he has lost the joy of his ministry, because he seeks emotional reparations or is wrong the course, dare to remind him of his commitment to God and his people, to tell him the gospel and encourage him to stay on the right path. So, you will bring valuable help in something fundamental: prevention that prevents these atrocities from recurring", says Francisco.


The pope said: "We must put an end to all kinds of abuses and there is no turning back in the application of actions and sanctions to priests and religious" (EFE ).

Thus, he badures that in the middle of this "black cloud", young people can contribute "a lot" to their ability "to renew, to claim, to demand consistency and testimony, to return to the dream and to to reinvent ". In any case, the pope says that "Priests who have fallen into these horrible crimes are not the majority."

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In addition, he adds that this "This is not the only sin of the members of the Church, whose story has many shadows "and that these sins are visible because the Church does not do" cosmetic surgeries ".

"Our sins are visible to all, they are reflected mercilessly in the wrinkles of the millennial face of our Mother and Teacher, because she has been walking for two thousand years, sharing the joys and the hopes, the sorrows and the Men's anguish And walk like this, without cosmetic surgery. He is not afraid to show the sins of his members, which some people sometimes try to conceal, "he adds.

Moreover, Francis asked a Catholic church to support and pay attention to the

On the other hand, Francisco asked for a Catholic Church that supports and takes into account the "legitimate claims of women" even if it does not share all feminist discourses (AFP).

In the midst of this "drama" which, he admits, "hurts the soul", in this "dark moment", the Pontiff believes that with the help of young people, the Church can "open up to a new Pentecost and begin a purification step".

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On the other hand, Francisco asked for a Catholic Church that supports and takes into account the "legitimate claims of women" even if it does not agree with all the feminist discourse.

"An overly fearful and structured church can permanently criticize all women's rights speeches, and constantly point out the risks and possible mistakes of these claims, while a living church can react by paying attention to legitimate demands of women who demand more justice and equality, "he said.

The pope arrives in Rome after his tour in Morocco (REUTERS).

The pope arrives in Rome after his tour in Morocco (REUTERS).

Francisco also invites us to recognize the "authoritarianism" of the men of the past and the "macho violence". "A living church can remember history and recognize a long history of male authoritarianism, subjection, various forms of slavery, abuse and gender-based violence," he said. he stressed.

With this look, he adds, the Church can "take ownership" of the "demands" of women's rights "and will contribute with conviction for greater reciprocity between men and women, even he does not agree with everything that some feminist groups are proposing. "

Europa Press Agency.



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