The pope whipped anyone who "gets rid" of homosexuals | Chronic


Pope Francisco he nodded to the homobadual community saying who "Throw" a man for the simple fact of being gay "He does not have a human heart". In turn, he confirmed his position by saying that "Give more importance to the adjective" gay "that in the name of" man is not good. "

The Sovereign Pontiff refers in this way in an interview with the British comedian Stephen K. Amos for the BBC in London. Amos, who is gay, said that the words of the pontiff "They left you speechless" and that moved him to tears.

In the episode of Pilgrimage: The Route of Rome, which will be broadcast this Friday, Amos, 51, meets Francisco in Rome. The humorist tells in a moment of the note: "I lost my mother.Three months ago, I buried my twin sister.Every two were very religious, then, coming here and without being religious, I was looking for answers and faith, but as a gay man, I did not feel accepted ".

After the confession, the pope replied: "Give more importance to the adjective" gay "that the name" man "is not good, we are all human beings and we have dignity no matter who you are or how you live, you do not lose your dignity ".

"There are people who prefer to choose or throw others because of the adjective, these people do not have a human heart", Francisco followed. And he added: "For those of you who are believers, pray for me, for those of you who do not believe, you can wish me a good journey, so do not disappoint anyone.

I also read: Francisco washed the feet of 12 prisoners in a Roman prison


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