The Pope: witnesses who help God keep his promises of peace


In his homily for the Holy Mass celebrated in the Chaldean Cathedral of Saint Joseph in Baghdad, Pope Francis gave thanks for the faithful who live there, where in ancient times wisdom was born and where in modern times many witnesses, whom the chronicles have often neglected. , and that they are precious in the sight of God

Vatican News

On his second day in Iraq, the last public activity of the Holy Father was the celebration of Mass in Saint Joseph’s Chaldean Cathedral in Baghdad at 6 p.m. local time.

Chaldean Cathedral of San José

The building was built to meet the needs of the Chaldean community which in the 1950s had abandoned the old Agd al-Nasara neighborhood – where the Cathedral of Mary Mother of Sorrows is located – to settle in the modern district of Karrada. . The first stone was laid by the Patriarch of the Chaldeans Yusef VII Ghanima on September 14, 1952, the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. And it was consecrated and inaugurated by the Patriarch himself in 1956. It can accommodate more than 400 faithful. Built in an oriental style, its reinforced concrete structure is crowned by a sloping roof and is adorned with stained glass windows. The interior is organized respecting the three conventional parts of the churches of eastern Syria, but with a modern style: the part reserved for the assembly, the choir and the altar with a carved wooden ornament in the center. In the right side nave is the icon of Our Lady Hodegetria, in the left side nave is the icon of Saint Joseph with the place of the carpenter, symbol of his justice, and the lily, symbol of his purity, with the adolescent Jesus.

Waiting for Pope Francis at Saint Joseph’s Cathedral in Baghdad

Eucharistic celebration

This Eucharistic celebration, centered on Saint Thomas, took place according to the Chaldean rite, and in Italian, Chaldean and Arabic. While the prayers of the faithful were read in Arabic, a dialect of Aramaic, Kurdish, Turkmen and English. In addition, His Beatitude Cardinal Louis Raphaël Sako, Chaldean Patriarch of Babylon, addressed his liturgical greeting to the Holy Father. In his homily, Pope Francis began by recalling that:

“The Word of God speaks to us today of wisdom, testimony and promises”

Of wisdom the Holy Father recalled that it had been “cultivated in these lands since ancient times”. And his research has always fascinated man; “However – he added – often those with more resources can acquire more knowledge and have more opportunities, while those with less are relegated.” What constitutes – he said – “an unacceptable inequality, which has widened today”. And he added:

“For the world, the one who has little is left out and the one who has more is privileged. But for God, no; whoever has the most power is subjected to rigorous scrutiny, while the last are the privileged ones of God “

In addition, the Pope went on to say: “Jesus, Wisdom in person, completes this turnaround in the Gospel, not at any time, but at the beginning of the first discourse, with the Beatitudes”. And “the change is total”:

“The poor, those who mourn, the persecuted are called blessed. How is it possible? Happy, for the world, the rich, the powerful, the famous. It applies to who has, who can and who matters. But not for God. For him, it is not the greatest who has more, but the one who is poor in spirit; not the one who dominates the others, but the one who is gentle with everyone; not the one who is acclaimed by the crowd, but the one who is merciful to his brother “

Is Jesus’ proposal worth it?

However, the Pontiff added that at this point, the doubt could arise that to live as Jesus asks, no profit is obtained, nor even the risk of others trampling who lives thus, and even if “The proposal of Is Jesus Worth It? Or is he a loser?

Love is our strength

The Pope underlined that Jesus “is not a loser but a wise man”, and that his proposal “is wise because love, which is the heart of the Beatitudes, although it seems weak in the eyes of the world, l ‘take away’. What he demonstrated on the cross, conquer sin and in the grave, conquer death.

“It is the same love that brought the victorious martyrs out of trials, and how many there were in the last century, more than in previous ones! Love is our strength, the strength of so many brothers and sisters who have also suffered here from prejudice and offense, abuse and persecution for the name of Jesus. But as the power, glory and vanity of the world fade away, love remains, as the apostle Paul told us, “it never passes.” To live the beatitudes is therefore to make what happens eternal. It is to bring heaven to earth “

Testify of the love of Jesus

After having evoked the way of practicing the Beatitudes, they ask us to do “extraordinary things”, or “actions which are beyond our capacities”, but rather “a testimony daily life ”, the Pope affirmed that“ witness is the means of embodying the wisdom of Jesus ”:

“This is how the world is changed, not with power or force, but with the Beatitudes. Because Jesus did it, living to the end what he said at the beginning. It is about witnessing to the love of Jesus, the same charity that Saint Paul describes so beautifully in today’s second reading “

He who loves does not close in on himself

Regarding charity, which is magnanimous, Francis also said that “love seems to be synonymous with goodness, generosity, good works, but Paul says that charity is above all. magnesium. And he went on to explain that “the patience to start over is the first characteristic of love, because love is not indignant, but always starts over. He is not saddened, but gives new strength; He is not discouraged, but remains creative. In the face of evil, he does not surrender, he does not resign. He who loves does not shut himself up when things turn out badly, but responds to evil with good, remembering the victorious wisdom of the cross ”.

“The testimony of God acts like that, it is neither passive nor fatalistic, it does not live at the mercy of circumstances, instinct and moment, but is always full of hope, because it is founded on love that always excuses and trusts, always hopes and supports “

In the face of adversity, there are two temptations

After wondering how we react to situations that are not going well, the Pope stressed that in the face of adversity there are always two temptations:

“The first is theft. Escape, turn your back, not wanting to know more. The second is to react with anger, with force. This is what happened to the disciples in Gethsemane; in their astonishment, many fled and Peter took the sword. But neither theft nor the sword solved anything “

Jesus changed history

And he recalled that Jesus changed history with “the humble power of love, with his patient testimony. This is what we are called to do; this is how God keeps his promises ”.

Divine promises

Regarding the promises, Francis said that the wisdom of Jesus requires the testimony and offers the reward, contained in the divine promises. In other words, “God’s promises guarantee unparalleled joy and do not disappoint.” And they are accomplished “through our weaknesses”.

“God makes happy those who walk the path of their inner poverty to the end. That’s how it is, there is no other “

God wants to do wonders

As an example, he proposed the Patriarch Abraham to whom God had promised great offspring who will arrive in his patient and confident old age. Or Moses, whom God promises to free the people from slavery and therefore asks them to speak with Pharaoh. Moses tells him that he cannot speak, because he stutters; however, God will fulfill the promise with his words.

He also invited to observe that “in the Virgin who, according to what is established in the law, cannot have children, and is called to be a mother. And let us see Peter, who denies the Lord, and Jesus calls him to confirm his brothers ”.

“Dear brothers and sisters, sometimes we can feel helpless, useless. But let’s not listen, because God wants to do wonders precisely through our weaknesses “

Everyone’s name is written in the heart of God

For this reason, the Pope said that “whatever the world takes from us is nothing compared to the tender and patient love with which the Lord fulfills his promises”.

“Dear sister, dear brother: Maybe you look at your hands and they seem empty, maybe distrust is seeping into your heart and you don’t feel rewarded with life. If you are feeling this, do not be afraid; the Beatitudes are for you, for you who are afflicted, hungry and thirsty for justice, persecuted “

At the end of his homily, the Holy Father assured the faithful that the Lord promises each one that his name is written in his heart, in the heavens.

“Y hoy le doy gracias con ustedes y por ustedes, porque aquí, donde en tiempos remotos surgió la sabiduría, en los tiempos actuales han aparecido muchos testigos, que las crónicas a menudo pasan por alto, y que sin embargo son preciosos a los ojos of God; witnesses who, by living the beatitudes, help God to keep his promises of peace “


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