The pope's warning to young people about the Internet, sexuality and machismo | Chronic


Pope Francisco warned young people not to be "easy prey of political groups or economic powers"He summoned them not to be stolen "Hope and joy", He warned of the dangers of the digital world, of baduality and talked about machismo.

In his new apostolic exhortation "Christut Vivet" (Christ lives), Jorge Bergoglio gathered the conclusions of the Synod on youth in 2018 and tackled issues such as "ideological colonization", He demanded work for young people, criticized abuses in the Church and posed the dangers and challenges of the digital world.

In a pastoral-style document, in which there are almost no lay author quotations on the 299-point nine chapters, Jorge Bergoglio endorses the conclusions of the 2018 Youth Synod and adds his own voice to strengthen important axes. .

"Many young people are ideologized, used and exploited as cannon fodder or as a shock force to destroy, intimidate or ridicule others", The Pope asks the first denunciation of his new text.

"And the worst is that many are transformed into individualistic, enemy and suspicious beings of all, thus becoming an easy prey for the dehumanizing offers and destructive plans developed by the political groups or the economic powers", warns Bergoglio.

The difficulties of global youth, such as HIV and various types of disclosure, appear in the voice of the synodal document. But Bergoglio warns, just at a time when the women's issue has become central in the Vatican: "When they are also women, these situations of marginalization become doubly painful and difficult."

"In many poor countries, the economic aid of some richer countries or international organizations is often linked to the acceptance of Western proposals concerning baduality, marriage, life or social justice. ", deplores the pope.

"This ideological colonization is particularly harmful to young people"criticized in his fourth pope's exhortation in six years.

To treat baduality, the pope also presents his voice and proposes: "Young people recognize that the body and baduality are essential to their lives and to the growth of their identity."

"However, in a world that puts a lot of emphasis on baduality, it is difficult to maintain good relationships with one's own body and to live in emotional relationships," he adds, before going back to using the synodal document to regret that "Sexual morality is often a cause of misunderstanding and distancing from the Church because it is perceived as a space for judgment and condemnation."

The pope also uses his words to focus on the challenges of everyday digitization. "The Web and social networks have created a new way of communicating and connecting." It's a place where young people spend a lot of time and find themselves easily, although access is not the even for everyone, especially in some parts of the world. ", frame.

It also refers to abuse in the church and remember that "In recent times, we have been urged to listen to the cry of the victims of the various types of abuse perpetrated by some bishops, priests, religious and laity".

And he adds that "Thank God, the priests who committed these horrific crimes are not the majority, who exercise a faithful and generous ministry", before asking them to get involved in the prevention of "these atrocities."

"Do not let them deprive you of hope and joy, let them drug you to use you as a slave to their interests," he said before asking for work for young people, though with a strong warning: "I pray young people do not expect to live without working, it depends on the help of others, it does not go well"he tells them.


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