The popularity of Jair Bolsonaro collapses in Brazil – 21/03/2019


The approval of the President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, it dropped by 16 points in the first three months of the government, from 67% to 51%, as the disapproval went from 21% to 38%, according to a survey published on Wednesday.

The confidence index in the president of the far right has also fallen from 62% in January to 49% in March, compared to 44% who say they do not trust the president, a percentage that was 30% in January, said the institute's survey Ibope.

Thousands are demonstrating against Brazilian President-elect Jair Bolsonaro in Sao Paulo, Brazil (EFE).

Thousands are demonstrating against Brazilian President-elect Jair Bolsonaro in Sao Paulo, Brazil (EFE).

This deterioration could be linked, according to political badyst André César, of the consulting firm Hold, to the scandals that shook these first months of management.

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He cited among them the revelation that the ruling party (PSL) had resorted to "ghost" candidates receive election funds during the last campaign, as well as suspicions of Financial irregularities of the firstborn of Bolsonaro and the lack of economic results.

This may have also weighed the resignation of one of his most trusted ministers, in full internal dispute with another son of Bolsonaro.

Walk against Jair Bolsonaro in San Pablo (EFE).

Walk against Jair Bolsonaro in San Pablo (EFE).

"The government has not shown where it came from, it has not started yet, it has not entered the yard," said Caesar.

Bolsonaro, who took office on 1 January, was elected in October 2018 with 55% of the votes cast, compared to 45% for Fernando Haddad of the Workers' Party (PT, on the left).

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The 51% approval revealed Wednesday specifically refers to the president's performance.

The positive badessment of the entire government is only 34%, against 49% at the beginning of his mandate, according to estimates. Ibopewho interviewed 2,002 people between March 16th and 19th.

The approval of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro dropped 16 points in the first three months of the government, from 67% to 51%, while the disapproval went from 21% to 38% (AFP).

The approval of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro dropped 16 points in the first three months of the government, from 67% to 51%, while the disapproval went from 21% to 38% (AFP).

The percentage of people who consider the government as "regular" has increased from 26% to 34% and that of Those who think it bad or lousy went from 11% in January to 24% in March. 8% did not say or did not answer.

This is the lowest approval rate collected by Ibope three months after the start of a first presidential term since 1995.

In March this year, 41% of Brazilians approved the leadership of Fernando Henrique Cardoso, who was re-elected four years later.

Two young men pose with Jair Bolsonaro's doll during the traditional giant doll parade, in Olinda (Brazil). Rejected character (EFE).

Two young men pose with Jair Bolsonaro's doll during the traditional giant doll parade, in Olinda (Brazil). Rejected character (EFE).

In March 2003, 51% approved the first government of the leader of the left Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, also re-elected in 2010; and in March 2011, 56% approved the government of Dilma Rousseff, the successor of Lula, reelected in 2014 but removed from office in 2016 by the Congress.

Bolsonaro, a 63-year-old former army captain, campaigned with a speech A strong hand against corruption and violence and promised an ambitious adjustment plan to save the economy.

The percentage of people who consider the government as "regular" has increased from 26% to 34% and that of those who consider it bad or poor has increased from 11% in January to 24% in March (REUTERS).

The percentage of people who consider the government as "regular" has increased from 26% to 34% and that of those who consider it bad or poor has increased from 11% in January to 24% in March (REUTERS).

The most important element of its economic plan is the reform of the pension system, which hardens the conditions of retirement and will require difficult negotiations within the fragmented Congress.

With a nebulous parliamentary base, the support of public opinion is a key factor in gaining the support of MPs and Senators, who will have to explain to their constituents why they vote in favor of a reform "extremely unpopular", said Caesar.

The margin of error of the investigation on Ibope is +/- 2 percentage points.

AFP Agency.



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