the post of a flat earthling that sparked a shower of memes


The image of a post in a private Facebook group called “Flat Earth – Spain” sparked a wave of memes on social media due to its exponent’s controversial theory: “Chile does not exist.”

According to the publication, the user alleges that the southern country does not exist because he saw a documentary in which “the houses look like cardboard” and people look like “actors” because they “even look at the camera”.

The screen shot of the flat earth.

The screen shot of the flat earth.

In addition, he says he has done research and that “anyone who says they have been to Chile cannot prove it “, writing RT.

“I have never been to Chile and I don’t know anyone who has been to Chile. I’ve seen a few photos but they’re probably CGI (computer generated image), “the post references.

And the memes rained

Although the screenshot appears pixelated and it is difficult to determine its veracity or if it is a sarcastic comment, the opinion was sufficient that Chileans were encouraged to share flat earth theory suggesting the non-existence of your country, informs RT.

The post sparked a barrage of memes.

The post sparked a barrage of memes.

Among the most commented reactions in the networks was the inevitable prediction of the simpsons on the alleged “non-existence” of Chile. “They caught us! We are actors”, quipped another surfer on the social network, reports RT.

Chileans between jokes and indignation.

Chileans between jokes and indignation.

In the absurd debate there were also those who they demanded their salary to be actors, the photos of Chilean landscapes claiming that it was a recording “set” and the claims against the “writers” of the plot that the characters of the Never Land were to interpret: “If Chile does not exist and that we are actors, I want them to change the role of the poor“.

The Simpsons predicted it in a chapter.

The Simpsons predicted it in a chapter.

“Finally we can stop playing! Finally I will be able to get my life back in Europe, weona. This recording set was fed up with me, the same dialogue always, always the same people, I was tired”, joked a Chilean citizen in a Tik Tok video which was also shared on Twitter, reports RT.



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