The powerful explosions with which the United States tested the resistance of its new aircraft carrier


the united states have tested the endurance of their new aircraft carrier

The United States Navy has started a series of tests on its newest and most advanced aircraft carrier perform powerful explosions to determine if the ship is ready for war. The first of the tests, known as the Full Ship Shock Trials, took place on Friday, when the Navy triggered a giant explosive event near the USS Gerald R. Ford, according to a statement.

Later, the Navy continued with tests, the videos of which show the power of the explosions carried out by this branch of the North American Armed Forces to control the quality of its brand new aircraft carrier.

Images and videos showed a huge explosion of water in the ocean as a result of what the US media reported was an explosion of 18,144 kilograms. The United States Geological Survey said the explosion, which occurred in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Florida, was recorded as a magnitude 3.9 earthquake.

The Navy “is testing new ship designs using active explosives to confirm that our warships can continue to meet demanding mission requirements under the harsh conditions they may encounter in combat.“He said in the statement.

USS Gerald R. Ford completes test in the Atlantic Ocean on June 18, 2021. US Navy photo
USS Gerald R. Ford completes test in the Atlantic Ocean on June 18, 2021. US Navy photo

After testing, the warship will undergo maintenance and repairs.

Testing is carried out “under a tight schedule that meets environmental mitigation requirements, respecting known migration patterns of marine life in the test area.”added the Navy.

The commander of the aircraft carrier, Captain Paul Lanzilotta, said the job is difficult when you have a vessel with 5,000 seats, “so we have to prepare all our equipment”.

“We will also prepare the crew so that they know what to expect, they have to practice their damage control procedures as this is something we all have to be good at, and when we unload the ship, we need to make sure we have the boat in the best possible conditionLanzilotta said.

With information from AFP


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