The precious relics that Notre Dame keeps


Notre Dame Cathedral is a must for those visiting the beautiful city of Paris. And in this iconic construction are valuable invaluable to humanity.

Among these treasures are three relics of the Pbadion of Christ: a crown of thorns, a piece of cross and a nail. The truth is that for security reasons they are in a secret location of the cathedral.

For its part, entering the cathedral, specifically in the sacristy, is the treasure of Our Lady, consisting of goldsmiths, liturgical ornaments, old works of art and objects that belonged to historical figures such as Saint-Louis IX) or Viollet-le-Duc (architect who restored the cathedral). The most important piece to watch is the reliquary created especially for the crown of thorns.

The famous bell "Emmanuel" is also in the towers. It is famous because it is the heaviest of Notre Dame (weighs about 13 000 kg). Its sound quality is recognized worldwide and is a historical monument from 1944 to the archaeological crypt.

Moreover, when one enters the temple, on the left, there is the door of the Virgin. In the lower part, we can distinguish three prophets and three Kings holding phylacteries (rolled paper), which show that the promise of God to send his son to save humanity has been fulfilled. In the center, we see Mary on her deathbed, surrounded by Jesus and the twelve apostles. At the same time, two angels support them to take her to paradise. Finally, at the top, we see Mary sitting on the same throne as Jesus and crowned.


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