The precise details of an Irish scientist on …


The immunologist Luke O’Neill, Professor at the School of Biochemistry and Immunology at Trinity College Dublin, in Ireland, shared a video in which he assured that humanity takes the first steps to end the coronavirus pandemic. According to the specialist, the progress of vaccination in the next nine months will be the key defining a return to “normalcy” and countries with vaccine surpluses will need to work together to achieve it.

O’Neill claimed that the global outlook is optimistic: Last week there was a 17% reduction in the infection rate, becoming the fifteenth consecutive week with a marked decrease in the number of new confirmed cases, and there was also a drop for the second consecutive week in death rate, it was down 10 to 10 percent over the past seven days.

For the Irish specialist, the next nine months will be critical to further reducing cases and deaths and for that, he added, a strong vaccination campaign will be necessary in all countries. “The goal is for the world to achieve collective immunity as quickly as possible, and accumulating vaccines will not be possibleO’Neill snapped.

“If we get protection in our own countries, we need to share the excess vaccines we have with the world. Canada has 9 vaccines per person, the United States 7, the United Kingdom 6 and the European Union 5. It is essential to give a surplus of vaccines to the countries that need it, as this will allow the world to reach high levels of immunization earlier. We ask every country in the developed world to prepare to donate vaccines, oddly enough, ”said the 56-year-old scientist trained at the University of London and Trinity College.

Yet O’Neill warned that “once vaccination is widespread, we will still have to restrict travel between different countries” to prevent transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 mutations. “If we get protection in our own countries, we will not want new strains of the virus to enter the local scene, while other countries are vaccinated, and this is crucial,” he stressed.

Once vaccination is widespread, we will still have to restrict movement between different countries. This is the price we will have to pay to have some freedom and not go back to strict lockdowns, ”O’Neill said. Freedom will involve the reopening of activities, it will allow certain events to happen again, international events will start again, but the price to pay will be that of not being able to make international trips ”.

In addition, O’Neill stressed the importance of a balanced diet for strengthening the immune system. “Our immune system also needs iron, and a recently published study shows that a deficiency of this mineral makes vaccines less effective. This was not observed specifically in covid-19, but in applied rubella and influenza vaccines – he noted -. If you are suffering from iron deficiency, the condition worsens. The message is very clear: you have to have a balanced diet ”.


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