the president of the court said that Bolsonaro had committed a crime with his coup d’etat speech


In his speech on Tuesday at a demonstration in São Paulo, Bolsonaro defended the “framing” of Alexandre de Moraes. “This Federal Supreme Court will never accept threats to its independence or intimidation in the proper exercise of its functions.. No one will close this Court. We will hold him upright, with sweat and perseverance, ”said Judge Fux.

Fux also said that “undermining the honor of the magistrates, inciting the population to propagate hate speech against the institution of the Supreme Court and encourage non-compliance with court decisions son undemocratic and illegal practices, What we cannot tolerate with regard to the constitutional oath we took when we took our seat in the Court “.”If the contempt of court decisions occurs at the initiative of the head of any of the powers of the State, this attitude, in addition to being an attack on democracy, it constitutes a crime of responsibility, which must be considered by Congress, ”said Fux, without mentioning Bolsonaro. The Supreme Court, he added, “will not tolerate threats to the authority of its decisions.

Fux asked the Brazilians beware of “false prophets of patriotism, They ignore that true democracies do not allow the people to confront the people, nor the people to confront their own institutions. “” We all know that those who promote the “us versus them” discourse are not propagating democracy, but rather the politics of chaos. brazilian people, don’t be tempted by easy messianic stories, which create false enemies of the nation, ”he said.


The mobilization of the Bolsonarists in Brasilia this Tuesday.  It was massive, like the one in San Pablo, but it was far from the

The mobilization of the Bolsonarists in Brasilia this Tuesday. It was massive, like that of São Paulo, but it was far from the “millions” invoked by the president.

Still according to the President of the Supreme Court, “the true patriot does not turn a blind eye to the real and urgent problems in Brazil. On the contrary, he tries to confront them, like a tireless craftsman, weaving a minimal consensus between groups who naturally think outside the box. different”.

He said that, “In a mature political environment, the challenge of judicial decisions must be made not out of disobedience, not out of disorder and not by the chaos caused, but certainly through resources, which are the appropriate procedural channels. “The response was clearly directed at Bolsonaro, who claimed the power to determine whether a Supreme Court ruling is valid and constitutional or not.

After Fux’s speech, the Attorney General, Augusto Aras, also present at the STF session, he said, without quoting Bolsonaro, What “the voice of institutions is also the voice of freedom” and that “disagreements, whether political or procedural, must be dealt with in accordance with legal and constitutional procedure”.

For Aras, the Bolsonarist demonstrations of September 7 were “a civic holiday with peaceful demonstrations, which were produced in a hegemonic and orderly manner on the public highway in Brazil. “

“They were the expression of a plural and open society, typical of the democratic regime. After a long period of social distancing, vaccination is already enabling protesters to unite. The voice of the street is the voice of people’s freedom, ”said Aras.

Lawyers condemn Bolsonaro’s speech

Lawyers interviewed by TV Globo and GloboNews they said the president Jair Bolsonaro has committed a crime of liability saying that he will not comply with the decisions of Supreme Judge Alexandre de Moraes.

According to experts, the acts of the Brazilian president and threats against the ministers of the STF and the Higher Electoral Tribunal (TSE) directly undermine the Brazilian Constitution.

“It does not exist in constitutional grammar “Supervise” a Minister of the Supreme Court in his judicial decisions by the unipersonal will of the President of the Republic who is at the head of another power that in Brazil, he is head of state ”, he declared Gustavo Binenbojm, doctor of public law and professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro.

At the political level, Bolsonaro was more isolated after protests by his supporters in at least 16 major cities in Brazil, analysts said.

The far-right president did not have the wind in his favor that he himself had planned to bring together to commemorate Brazil’s Independence Day, although the center of Brasilia, and especially Sao Paulo (125,000 demonstrators), were filled with fervent followers dressed in green and yellow, the national colors. Participation in Rio de Janeiro was also important, but at the national level we were far from the “millions” that Bolsonaro had invoked in the previous days.

“Despite his isolation, the president has shown that he is still capable of mobilizing a noisy minority.”, written in the diary or balloon the journalist Bernardo Mello Franco.

In the steps there was a assortment of far-right activists, gun supporters, evangelicals, motorcyclists, conspirators and anti-vaccines.

The fact that the protesters were not violent and did not invade the Supreme Court or Congress as feared, in a Brazilian version of the January assault on the Capitol in Washington, it was a relief.

But, from the two bellicose speeches by Bolsonaro, in Brasilia and especially in São Paulo, analysts point to the “Coup de ton” and the very serious attacks on the Supreme Federal Court (STF).

“It was almost a declaration of war on the Supreme Court”, explains Edson Sardinha, editorial director of the Congresso en Foco website.

“Since being elected president in 2018, Bolsonaro has constantly sought to stir up crises. It’s his way of governing, and its shape (…) to maintain their electoral base “, precise Gaspard Estrada, Executive Director of the Political Observatory of Latin America and the Caribbean at Sciences Po School.

14 months before the presidential elections of 2022, Bolsonaro attacked “the farce” of electronic voting, according to him fraudulent, a mantra with a lot of punch between its base irreducible, which in itself is not enough for his re-election.

The president said that “only God” could remove him from power, a comment that puts him, disturbingly, outside the constitutional framework.

“Bolsonaro is not going to leave power easily: For now this coup d’etat behavior, he is ready to do anything, even to create chaos in Brazil, to stay ahead of the country, ”Estrada said.

Bolsonaro is in a very delicate situation. Its popularity rating fell to 24% in July., its lowest level since coming to power in 2019, and According to the polls, he would lose the elections, even in the first round, to his great rival, former President Lula da Silva.

It is also closed by various judicial inquiries and does not seem to have understood in “real Brazil”. Because instead of wanting to dismiss the judges of the Supreme Court, the majority of the 213 million Brazilians are worried about soaring inflation, unemployment hitting 14 million people and the pandemic, which reaches nearly 600,000 deaths in Brazil.

The protests have increased political instability, but they are having “a very bad impact on the economy” of Brazil and “generating more uncertainty”, sunderlined Claudio Frischtak, president of Inter.BConsultoría a TV Globo.

The role of the army

“The president does not have the power to carry out a coup d’etat, a military coup. He doesn’t have the support, ”he says. Olivier Stuenkel, professor of international relations at the Getulio Vargas Foundation.

The The military has a strong presence in the Bolsonaro government and at the highest levels of the administration, but they are unwilling to embark on such an adventure, according to analysts.

As soon as At the risk of impeachment, Bolsonaro “is convinced that he will be able to avoid impeachment” because “He is still protected by his allies in the ‘centrao'”, a group of congressional parties that dominate Brazilian politics for decadesStuenkel adds. But by the time of the presidential elections, the most likely scenario, Stuenkel predicts, will be “permanent constitutional instability, a chaotic situation”.

On the low risk of being removed from office by indictment or dismissal, Vice President Hamilton Mourao spoke yesterday. Mourao, asserted that “there is no climate” in Congress to open a political trial against President Bolsonaro and he sided with the head of state in the tensions against the Supreme Court.

“I do not see a climate of impeachment of the president, neither in the population as a whole nor within the Congress itself, or we have a comfortable majority of 200 deputies that there is not a large majority to approve big projects but that he is able to prevent a process of impeaching the president from prospering, ”Mourao said.

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