the president promised to replace the decree that sparked the conflict


The President of Ecuador, Lenín Moreno, today promised to replace the decree by which he had organized an economic adjustment that had provoked a demonstration that would have left at least seven dead and 1340 wounded, according to the press local.

He did it at the beginning of the dialogue with the leaders of the social organizations that organize the demonstration, the newspapers reported. El Comercio, The Telegraph and L & # 39; universe, which broadcasts live conversations.

The meeting began around 18 hours (20 in Argentina), nearly three hours later than planned, due to "operational difficulties", as announced by the UN and the Ecuadorian Catholic Church, facilitators of the # 39; initiative.

In fact, it was finally held at the Cardenal Spellman Salesian School in Lumbisi, about 30 km south-east of Quito, and not at the Army Polytechnic School (ESPE), to the east of the capital, where it was planned.

Moreno announced that it would issue a new decree to replace the 883, under which it would order the removal of all fuel subsidies and would drive up prices.

In addition, he proposed the establishment of commissions to work on the development of this new standard, to "channel resources to those who need them", and affirmed that indigenous movements are not responsible for acts of violence perpetrated during demonstrations. (Télam)


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