The President will hand over the SIDE files from the …


President Alberto Fernández will hand over to human rights organizations the spy and surveillance files of these groups that SIDE set up during the last dictatorship. Grandmothers and mothers of Plaza de Mayo (the association and founding lineage), relatives of the missing and detained for political reasons, the Center for Legal and Social Studies, the Permanent Assembly of Human Rights , the Ecumenical Movement for Human Rights, the Argentine League for Human Rights, the Department of Peace and Justice, Amnesty International, the Priests for the Third World Movement, the Argentine Human Rights Commission Human Rights and the Villero Peronista Movement will receive documents containing investigation requests and general information from the leaders and lawyers of these groups, coverage of marches and private meetings, travel data and even information on the content of correspondence exchanged with people who supported or represented them abroad.

These files are a sample of more than 250,000 intelligence files on people, institutions, organizations, events linked to public or operational actions that make up the SIDE file and which have been recovered and are being analyzed by the direction of Cristina Caamaño in the Federal Intelligence Agency (AFI). In addition to the files, an agency team collects some 700 boxes containing papers, books and files which were searched in various offices of the intelligence agency and which cover the period from 1946, when what would later become SIDE until December 9, 1985, when the judgment of the military juntas was handed down.

Documentation of years of state terrorism can serve as evidence and assign responsibility in trials for crimes against humanity. The material is also the historical record of the surveillance and infiltration of social, political, trade union and human rights organizations.

The President will hand over these leaflets during the event which will take place from 7:00 p.m. in the Memory Space which operates in the former ESMA in commemoration of International Human Rights Day. He will also conduct the Azucena Villaflor Awards there, with which Víctor Basterra (deceased 7 November), Rosa Schoenfeld de Bru, Vera Jarach, Iris de Avellaneda, Lita Boitano and Rosa Roisinblit will be honored.


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