The “pro-life” influencer lies to his partners to have sex without a condom: “I don’t like using it and, if they protest, I tell them I’m sterile” | the Chronicle


Naim Darrechi is crowned user of TIC Tac of Spain with the greatest number of followers, being 27.9 million people who consume your content on jokes, daily thoughts and many other forms of entertainment.

However, the massive reach of his words has played a trick on him recently, and it could cost him dearly. And does the 19 year old young man it came out of his mouth during an interview with the basque youtubeur “Mostopapi” and revealed details of his sexual practices which have been widely condemned on social media.

The influencer revealed in front of millions of viewers that during their sexual relations did not use a condom on the grounds that “it’s hard”. And follow-up: I never use it, until one day I thought it was weird that no girl is pregnant. I’ll start to end up inside always, without any problem, he assured.

Faced with the gravity of these comments, the investigator asked him, laughing, if his sexual partners agreed or if they were angry, to which he replied with great confidence: ” Yes but, well. I tell them calm, that I am sterilepointed out the tiktoker.

“Don’t worry, I had surgery to avoid having children. And when my son comes to me, bless him “, concluded the media, which in past occasions has been repudiated on social networks for his position against the legalization of abortion.


After the uproar that the influencer ‘s remarks generated, the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, said on Monday that she had made the video known to the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

Naím Darrechi’s unfortunate remarks and “Mostopapi” ‘s insane reaction soon went viral and sparked strong rejection on various virtual platforms. The tiktoker was accused of having made apologies for rape to “end up inside” their partners without their consent and cheat on them.

During this time, the scandal crossed the media sphere and reached the ears of state institutions. And it is that the minister of Equality of Spain, Irene Montero, announced that he would take measures in the matter and that he would make a presentation to the Spanish public prosecutor’s office to “Sexual abuse”.

“Removing the condom or ejaculating inside without consent is sexual abuse today, and the Only Yes is Yes law will recognize it as assault”, determined categorically the minister.

“Show yourself before 26 million subscribers something like this reflects the urgency of putting The consent In the center. We will inform the Public Prosecutor’s Office “Montero concluded his post, which was praised by thousands of users.

Another of the political figures who attacked the young Spaniard was the deputy of More from Madrid, Iñigo Errejon, who from his official Twitter account pointed to the youtuber and the tiktoker: “Sexual assault and rape culture. And the one who laughs about it, an accomplice”.

Request for an apology

After an avalanche of criticism across various virtual platforms, “Mostopapi” decided to remove the video from its YouTube channel, and, to compensate for its lack of empathy and its equivocal reaction to the controversial statements of Naím Darrechi, published a series of Instagram stories react to the controversy: “My laugh was misinterpreted because at no time would I laugh at something like that. If you think I laughed at what Naim said, I’m sorry but it wasn’t like that.”, determined.

Likewise, the content creator criticized the fact that users had not finished listening to the entire interview, since he said that at the end of the video he would have made one. reflection on sexual behavior within the framework of respect and consent.

For his part, the disowned tiktoker apologized to his fans and users via Instagram: “If I’m in trouble, let it be my way of thinking, but not my stupidity. I’m sorry.”commented the tiktoker.


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