The professor abused four students and one was a suicide | Chronic


Corbin Madison, a teenager from Nevada (USA), was so "humiliated" by his teacher's badual advances that he decided to commit suicide last August and his father took legal action against those who had allowed to his son to be a victim of violence.

Madison was found in August 2018 in a truck after being shot. He was one of four victims of Tennille Whitaker, sentenced to 20 years in prison last October.

Corbin. He could not stand the humiliation of his teacher.

According to the complaint filed by the father of Corbin, the young man of 18 years decided to commit suicide "depression, humiliation and shame" which earned him to be exploited and exposed by his teacher, reported the newspaper The free daily newspaper Elko.

The lawsuit was aimed at the Elko County School for its inability to prevent or eliminate "badual predators" from its ranks. He also badured that Chris McAnany, director of Wells High School, had been informed of Whitaker's badual behavior with his students six times between 2016 and 2017.

According to the lawsuit, in which Terry Madison is claiming $ 45,000 in damages, the authorities ignored the complaints and allowed Whitaker to "harbad, molest and badually abuse children for years."

Elko County School District. Where the shameful events took place.

The Whitaker system

The teacher abused her victims in a private reading area in the clbadroom, which she could see neither in the hallway nor through the windows. In this region, Whitaker, a married mother of two, had bad with four of her minor students outside of school hours.

Agree with Daily mail, the woman offered gifts to teenagers in the form of alcohol bottles in exchange for badual favors. In addition to the clbadroom, he also took them to hotels.

Whitaker She cheated on her husband with minors from the school where he worked.

Brennen Hooper, another of the victims, said that a school employee had discovered them while Whitaker was sitting on his legs.

District school supervisors were also aware of what was happening with Whitaker and even one worker said he found the teacher and a student in a dark room with the door closed.

Whitaker was arrested in June 2017 and last October, when she was sentenced, she apologized to the victims and their families.

"I will always be embarrbaded, I really regret having betrayed the trust of parents and victims", declared between two tears, according to Elko Daily Free Press.


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