The promise of Pichetto: "If Macri wins, the next day, he lifts the exchange control because calm returns"


Checks for the purchase of dollars have not yet come into effect – they will do this Monday – but the government is already talking about eliminating them. They have, of course, with a campaign tone. In this regard, Miguel Angel Pichetto, vice-president of Together for Change, said that if the ruling party imposed elections, it would no longer need to intervene on the single market and without a stock market.

"It's a tough time, but the president has taken transitional measures, necessary, to prevent the dollar from, take care of the reserves and preserve the purchasing power of the Argentines ", began his exhibition Pichetto en The cornice. And he asked that on Monday, "people have peace of mind and do not run to buy dollars".

"We are going through a process of political nature since August 11th, I do not discuss the content of the vote, but the world is more afraid of what could happen, if this vote were ratified, than what could be left", compared the non-Kirchnerist Peronist Senator.

In this scenario, Pichetto released the promise: "If Macri wins, the next day he raises them (exchange control measures) because calm has returned. "And for that reason, he insisted that the situation was a consequence of the opposition's speech and not of the party leadership at the time. Power: "I think the Front de Tous and the IMF have talked about" emptiness of power "and" anticipating elections ". This caused these negative effects. "

The vice-presidential candidate also highlighted the central feature of the dollar crisis: "The government solves the liquidity problem by the decree extending the mandate of Letes and Lecaps, but there is no need for it. there is no problem of solvency ".

Then he spoke directly to the workers who can save in foreign currency: "I mean by that there must be a rebadurance message that people are not running to buy or look for money".

Finally, Pichetto defended Macri's decision to perform a "double task": "The president must govern responsibly, acting without thinking about the outcome of the election, but also He must be a candidate because he was voted 8 million Argentineans"And, in his own words, the October 27 elections will be different:" Many people are rethinking their vote. "


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