"The proof of the provisional examination was a show" | …


The representative of the national PJ, Jorge Landau, announced Tuesday that he would send a request to the National Electoral Chamber so that, in the next elections, the traditional system will be used again to carry out the provisional control and not the one promoted. by the government of Mauricio Macri.

In discussing with Radio 10's X-ray program, the MP explained: "The proof of the provisional control was a demonstration that the government had put in place to defend the company with Smartmatic in order to maintain a transparency that would n & # 39; Does not exist yet ". Landau pointed out that "it is impossible for us to have audited 31 schools when the number of polling stations is 13 000. Moreover, we could not under any circumstances check the software." The National Electoral Chamber must intervene. "

Regarding the possibility of election fraud, the PJ's attorney said: "I do not like to talk about fraud, but I believe in a false statement of information on election night. It has already pbaded in 2017, "he said.


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