The propaganda of the far-right Vox party …


The game Vox attacks against migrant minors arriving in Spain. The far-right group has been sharply criticized for election propaganda in which it claims that migrant minors receive more help than a retiree. The Vox poster was installed shortly after the start of the campaign for the regional elections to be held in Madrid on May 4.

The prosecution opened an ex officio investigation, which was followed by complaints filed by the Spanish government of Pedro Sánchez, political parties including Más Madrid and non-governmental organizations such as Unicef, Save The Children and Cáritas . More than 200 NGOs have issued a joint statement asking the Electoral Council of Madrid to verify whether this is a crime in terms of electoral propaganda.

During a session of the Congress of Deputies, Carmen Calvo, Minister of the Presidency, targeted the propaganda of the far-right Vox party. “His is hatred. Literally hate. What you did with these posters, showing boys and girls, minors who come to our country in some cases that I know well, in terrible situations, without family, having been the subject of very serious crimes in the transits they make. It’s called inhumanity. “

On one side of the poster a lady with white hair, on the other side of the poster a hooded young man with pixelated eyes, in the middle of the two, a widely refuted statement: “An ore 4,700 euros per month, your grandmother 426 euros of pension / month ”. The Vox party uses the administrative acronym “mena” (unaccompanied foreign minors) to designate migrant minors seeking refuge in the country. For the far-right group, these minors were one of the main axes of the campaign. During electoral rallies, Vox leaders do not hesitate to criminalize minors, whom they associate with assaults and forcible robberies.

According to AFP Factual, the fact-checking team of the AFP agency, the data of the far-right party cartel is false. Of the 3,709 minors with protective measures assumed by the region of Madrid, 2,637 of them (71.1%) were Spanish, while 1072 (28.9%) were foreigners. In addition, the number of foreigners, only 269 of them (7.2%) were unaccompanied minors, according to AFP Factual.

However, from Vox they defend the propaganda deployed by the party. Rocío Monastery, who tops the Vox list in Madrid, explained that the figure is based on 12 months of government agreements in the Autonomous Community of Madrid with refugee centers for unaccompanied minors.

In the More Madrid party complaint, they claimed that the numbers Vox used in their posters could have been taken from a meeting on March 3 in temporary residential refuge service for unaccompanied foreign minors between 13 and 17 years old (16 places). According to the Spanish morning report The country, Fundación Diagrama Intervisión Psicosocial was hired from October 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021 For an amount of 448,448 euros, if this amount is divided by the 16 places and the duration of the contract (six months), the result is 4,671 euros, a figure close to that of the Vox agreement. Since Department of Social Policies of the Community of Madrid confirmed to AFP Factual that in no case does it represent direct social assistance to minors who use the centers.

The propaganda actions were denounced during a session of the Congress of Deputies, where Vox is the third most represented force. Disgusting, shameful, cowardly, miserable, racist, inciting hatred, were just a few of the ways they described the poster put up by the far-right group.

Left-wing United We Can coalition candidate Pablo Iglesias denounced Vox for hate crimes and discrimination. “It has only one name: fascism. We cannot allow these criminals to rule in Madrid. We will report their Nazi propaganda to the Electoral Council ”Iglesias wrote on his Twitter account.

The Spanish Minister of Social Rights, Ione Belarra was one of the officials who joined in the complaints against the propaganda of the far-right Vox party. “It is also an attack on the most vulnerable children in our country, who are children who migrate alone., that they emigrate without their family, that several times during the migratory transit they have suffered terrible violence and that when they arrive here several times, they are welcomed in conditions which do not always meet all the guarantees ”, a he warned.

Left parties, they asked the conservative president of the region, Isabel Diaz Ayuso – who is heading for re-election – is not seeking the support of the far-right Vox party to continue in power. While Ayuso did not rule out a new deal with Vox, he stepped back from the election propaganda controversy and said that what was stated in the poster was not true and was not to be considered. its place.


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