The proposals of Macri and Alberto


The candidates for the presidency of the Front of All, Alberto Fernández, and Ensemble for Change, Mauricio Macri, presented their proposals on key issues such as payment to the IMF, working conditions and pension reform.

With a government plan that relied on local production, the maintenance of labor laws and pensions, the renegotiation of debt and the construction of a "serious" federal country, Fernández clearly differentiated policies from one country to another. fit, flexibility and security. presentation to foreign finance agencies announced by Macri, in a report published by the Nation.

While Macri reaffirmed the government's intention to proceed with labor reform with the euphemism of "modern labor legislation", All's candidate categorically rejected the loss of rights and denounced the fact that "this implies precariousness ", while maintaining the wage discussion" and for this he promised tax incentives to production.

In this line, Alberto also denied pension reform affecting retirees and aimed at "recovering the purchasing power of those who have worked all their lives" as well as "full coverage of drugs in PAMI While Macri emphasized that "design a new pension scheme", ie a reform against retirees.

Regarding the exuberant debt that Macrismo has contracted with the IMF and which affects the implementation of public policies, the leader of Together for Change was determined to remain under the asphyxiating control of the financial organization without promoting a renegotiation of the terms of the agreement "The disbursements of the program agreed in 2018 end next year and if we wanted a new agreement, we should discuss it and discuss it only in 2021", that was justified.

On the other hand, the representative of All pointed out that in his conversations with the IMF's emissaries, he already foresaw that he would work to modify the agreement "because its failure had been demonstrated". "Inflation remains very high, the economy is not growing and the objective of zero primary deficit will not be achieved.They devote the few available currencies to the fictitious exchange stability.We will show the IMF the coherence of our program and the need to finance this transition in which Macri placed us, "he explained.

On the economic front, Macri has evaded her responsibilities for foreign exchange and inflation policy and delegated it to the Central Bank. "Yes, we can say that we do not believe in stocks or rule changes to solve short-term problems," he said.

On the antipodes, Alberto stressed the importance of applying "protective measures" against the vulnerability of the national economy in order to "prevent these crises". "In Argentina, we come from two extreme views: the stock of exchange generated more problems than it solved, but the unlimited deregulation of Macri was much worse. regulation that limits speculative capital, but halfway ". he questioned.

And he reminded the head of state of his responsibility for the exorbitant inflation parameters during his government: "The great failure of this government was to think that it was an exclusively monetary phenomenon. We do not know the monetary problem, but we find that there are other factors. It is necessary to open a price and salary consultation area with wholesale price trainers and unions. We will have a prudent monetary and fiscal policy, but that includes incentives for investment and production. "


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