The prosecutor refuses to allow Cristina Kirchner to travel to Cuba to see Florencia


The prosecutor's trial Diego Luciani opposed to the former president Cristina Kirchner Trip to Cuba to visit his daughter Florencia between 2 and 10 July, and the definition is now in the hands of the Federal Oral Court 2, in charge of the public works process. This is a non-binding opinion in the public works fraud trial that is held every Monday in the Courts of Comodoro Py.

Luciani had already opposed the trip that the former president had made a week ago for the same reasons and now maintained the same criterion before the new application for authorization. "Given the obligation to promote the exercise of justice in defense of the legality and interests of society (Article 1 of Law 27148), as well as the removal of any risk preventing the unfolding the normal course of the trial, it is that I will oppose it "Luciani recalled in her letter that she had already submitted to the Court.When she had last visited, the Court had authorized her despite the tax opposition, but it was before the start of the trial.


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The decision is now in the hands of judges Jorge Gorini, Andrés Bbado and Rodrigo Giménez Uriburu, members of the court that has summoned the former president to trial with 15 other defendants, among whom the former Federal Planning Minister , Julio De Vido. , the former secretary of public works José López and the businessman Lázaro Báez.

In her letter, Luciani stated that, although July 8 and 9 are public holidays and that the dates requested by Cristina Kirchner do not overlap with a day's hearing, it can not be ruled out that the Court amends the trial days.

Florencia Kirchner has been in Cuba for several weeks and is facing treatment for several health problems. Following judicial authorization granted, she is currently on the verge of being tried and will undergo an oral and public trial in the "Hotesur" and "Los Sauces" cases. of the federal oral court 5.


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