The Province confirmed it had vaccinated students, but said it considered them “health workers”.


The long list of personnel vaccinated outside the parameters set out in the schedule of the National Ministry of Health continues to grow. This Friday Bugle confirmed that dozens of university students Many of them, activists of groups linked to Kirchnerism and under the age of 30, have been vaccinated with vaccines from the province of Buenos Aires.

Everybody performed tasks as telemedicine operators in the so-called CeTep early care for Covid-19 consultations, supervised by the Buenos Aires Ministry of Health, in coordination with 29 national universities in the perimeter of the Province, as well as the Faculty of Exact Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires, which joined the agreement.

Sources in the province of Buenos Aires confirmed that the young people had been vaccinated for being “Workers participating in the health operation within the framework of the Covid” . They have confirmed that they are at least 160 vaccinated among all the study houses that have joined the program since,rgumentados, perform “a key task: monitoring and surveillance of close contacts of infected people, so that they are considered personal health.”

Before viewing this media on Why were they vaccinated if they are not doing fieldwork and their functions are related to telemedicine, they added that “the vaccination is suitable for them because they are the staff of the Covid health scheme of the province of Buenos Aires “. And they pointed out the differences around the scandal for the VIP vaccination which was installed at the Ministry of Health, which revealed Bugle and led to the resignation of Ginés González García as minister. “His vaccination was not done in any ‘VIP vaccination’ , but they were registered on the province’s website as “ non-ICU health personnel ” and they had a random spin, ”provincial sources said.

The Province also maintained that the vaccinated have developed coordinated tasks with the national universities in which they study, all based on the soil of Buenos Aires, except Exact from UBA, where this media could confirm that at least 43 young people have been vaccinated. This pattern was also repeated in the universities of Quilmes and Lanús and it would have been deepened in the rest of the study houses.

The telemedicine centers created by the provincial health ministry They operate in a large number of national universities, among which stand out the National University of La Plata (UNLP), Tres de Febrero (Untref), Hurlingham (Unahur), Arturo Jauretche (UNAJ); that of Lanús (UNLa); that of the West (ONE); that of José C. Paz (Unpaz); that of Lomas de Zamora (UNLdZ); that of Quilmes (UNQ); that of Almirante Brown (UNAB) and that of Mar del Plata (UNMDP). In most cases, they were young activists from different groups linked to Kirchnerism, including La Cámpora.

Exact UBA, meanwhile, formally signed up to the deal on September 28, but since mid-year it has been providing telemedicine services to young people who have signed up for the various calls. All The activity is carried out in Pavilion 1 of Ciudad Universitaria, that is to say without direct contact with Covid-19 patients. They took a series of classes and four-hour shifts, three times a week, according to one student. Bugle. Internships are remunerated. They are mostly under 25 and are activists, although there are also young people who have signed up as volunteers without being affiliated with any political space.


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