The PSOE won the elections in Spain and broke the support to the PP


The outgoing president Pedro Sánchez is the winner of the elections in which the PSOE, with 123 deputiesalmost double the number of seats PP, which reaches 65 seats, a historic setback compared to the 137 deputies owned by the party led by Pablo Casado.

Sanchez managed to capitalize on the change of government and political discontent following allegations of corruption by his main rival, the Popular Party, which was close to 16%.

On the other hand, Citizens rank third with 15% of votes and 57 seats, followed by We can, with 14% of the votes and 42 deputies.

Fifth burst Vox, with 10% of the vote and 24 deputies, becomes the first right-wing party to join the Spanish Congress of Deputies in nearly 40 years.

With these results, the PSOE must reach agreements with the leftists of Podemos and other minority parties to govern. They still do not agree if they have to agree with the Catalan separatists, who get 15 seats.

For its part, the right-wing front formed by the PP, Citizens and Vox added 148 deputies, which was far from reaching the absolute majority of the 176 seats. The progressives, PSOE and Unidos Podemos, overcome them with 165 seats.

Voter turnout in Spain has exceeded 75%, which represents an increase of about 10 percentage points compared to the general elections of 2016, according to the latest data provided by the government during a day in the course of from which the Spaniards voted more divided than ever. .


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