The psychiatrist who treated Diego Maradona provided the missing key to open their cell phones


The expertise of Agustina Cosachov’s two iPhone mobile phones (35) began on Monday with a breakthrough: the psychiatrist, through her lawyer Vadim Mischanchuk, provided the missing key to view the content of the phones in the cloud iCloud. Remarkably, he had quantified it the day after the raid on neurosurgeon Leopoldo Luque (39), the other medical professional investigated into the death of Diego Armando Maradona.

“Malicious versions circulated saying that Agustina had deleted information or that she had encrypted information to hide it. Agustina did not try to hide or delete evidence on the cellphoneMischanchuk said at the door of the San Isidro Attorney General’s office.

There, the successful opening of the iPhone 6 Plus and the iPhone SE was achieved, with the UFED system (Universal Forensic Extraction Device, according to its acronym in English), used to extract information from mobile phones, by computer experts of the judicial police.

Sources with confirmed file access Bugle that on Monday, Cosachov’s defense provided the missing key to view the content of the cloud. There are WhatsApp messages (text and audio), photos and documents that will be scanned for several days.

First, whatever is irrelevant to the investigation is discarded, then proceeds to the test and determine if there has neglect or inexperience to the care of Maradona which led to her death on November 25, which could lead to a charge of “culpable homicide“.

Vadim Mischanchuk lawyer for psychiatrist Agustina Cosachov.  Photo: Andrés D'Elía.

Vadim Mischanchuk lawyer for psychiatrist Agustina Cosachov. Photo: Andrés D’Elía.

At 9:12 a.m. on November 30, the day after the raid on Luque’s office and home, the psychiatrist backed up the content and activated iCloud security encryption with a password.

Cosachov had already provided the keys, but not the encryption key, which finally happened today. The cell phones were taken from his home in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Palermo on December 1. Ten days later, expertises were made but could not move forward because access to information in the cloud was prohibited.

“Thanks to a fifth password provided by the defense, it was possible to access the automatic backup that had been made in the cloud of the iCloud account,” explained Mischanchuk.

According to the lawyer, “Dr Agustina Cosachov looked at everything she did regarding the patient, understands that he has done everything the medical criteria say, according to the different stages, and applied a treatment which has a bibliographic support “.

Leopoldo Luque, neurosurgeon of Diego Maradona.  EFE / Enrique García Medina

Leopoldo Luque, neurosurgeon of Diego Maradona. EFE / Enrique García Medina

“She is to duel and accompanying the process, doing everything possible so that each piece of this puzzle is rebuilt and peace of mind can be brought to those close to Mr. Diego Armando Maradona as to whether the cause arises from this case of death and whether or not there was any responsibility on the part of the health professionals who followed him in recent months, ”he said.

San Isidro Attorney General John Broyad coordinates the team of investigators in charge of Maradona’s death case. They are Laura Capra, Cosme Iribarren and Patricio Ferrari.

The idea is to be able to extract all the information related to the star’s medical treatments contained in the mobile phones, PCs and tablets hijacked as part of the investigation, as well as the communications and messages that the people interviewed had at the time. previous, concomitant and after the death of Ten.

Maradona died at the age of 60 on November 25 at noon, in a house his family had rented in the private neighborhood of San Andrés, Tigre, two weeks after being released from the Olivos clinic, where he had undergone neurosurgery. . of a subdural hematoma in the brain.

Luque and Maradona, after surgery for subdural hematoma at Olivos clinic.

Luque and Maradona, after surgery for the subdural hematoma at the Olivos clinic.

The autopsy determined that he died of “acute pulmonary edema secondary to exacerbated chronic heart failure”. He suffered from “dilated cardiomyopathy”.

Toxicology studies determined that Maradona did not have alcohol or illegal drugs in her body, as well as medicine for cardiology, although they did detect mind-altering drugs, including some that caused arrhythmia.



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