The purchase of ships in France renews the strategic dialogue


The bilateral military relationship with France is governed by an intergovernmental agreement (1998). A joint defense commission is held annually and consists of a dialogue on strategic defense (political leaders) and a meeting of the main staffs (military chiefs of staff ). The panelist representing the Macron government's defense is Brigadier General Philippe Boutinnaud of the Regional Affairs Department of the Directorate of International Relations and Strategy, accompanied by Pierre Yves Derangere, Lieutenant-Colonel, Military Attaché of the Embbady. The host and his Creole counterpart is José Vila, Undersecretary of International Relations. This has not been confirmed yet, but the new Secretary for Strategy and Military Affairs, Paola Di Chiaro, should receive greetings from the gala delegation. The problems of protocol and diplomatic reciprocity indicate that the visitor; he is of lower rank; Greetings to the local manager. In two days, ideas and experiences will be exchanged. The main objective is to take stock of the evolution of joint projects and to share the visions of each country on cooperation activities in the sector, on the usefulness of peace missions and on the state of regional security and international. The French will present the global, regional vision and the identification of possible conflicts and threats. The Argentine team will detail the perception of the scenario of the American continent and the reforms of the national defense policy.

The crisis in Venezuela, international support and humanitarian aid are at the forefront.

Measurement error

A secondary problem in terms of equipment is the delay in arriving in the country of the 5 Super Etendard aircraft acquired for Naval Aviation. France has complied with the delivery, but the equipment and the containers with spare parts are still in this country because of problems of payment of the navy to the company responsible for packaging and transfer in Argentina. The error began with an error in the measurement of the aircraft, making it impossible to stay in the container, it had to dismantle the tail of the aircraft 5, maneuver that would have been completed so far but who has not yet left Chateaudun Air Base. We have to face a difference in the payment of the aircraft conditioning service – derived from measurement error – that would add about $ 150,000 to the $ 1.3 million contract paid by the Navy.

Yesterday the military chapter of the bilateral talks took place. Brigadier General Régis Colcombet, Head of the South Bilateral Cooperation Division of the French Armed Forces Staff, and Lieutenant-General Bari Del Valle Sosa, Chief of Staff, led reflections according to an open agenda. The subject was the subject of staff training (military presence in specialized schools, teaching French, military instructors of the Joint Training Center of Argentina for peacekeeping operations (CAECOPAZ) and peacekeeping operations.) The Criollos in uniform presented on Operation Integración Norte, a program of logistical support to security forces for border surveillance and control, the force of peace and security. Cruz del Sur combined intervention, the Argentine-Chilean military arrangement at the disposal of the United Nations and the situation of the Creole Peace Mission in Cyprus.


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