The Queen accepted Boris Johnson's proposal and suspended the British Parliament


So, eThe British parliament would remain on hold until 14 October, date on which the Queen will open the sessions with a speech in which she should present the plan of Johnson's government, which must include the steps to follow for Brexit.

Opposition parliamentarians expressed frustration over social media and press releases in which they described the maneuver as "undemocratic", but the signature of Isabel II is a firm sentence.

British law states that agreements that have not been closed on that date, for example that of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union, they will fall unless they vote to continue their debate after the break.

It can also happen that a member of the Lower House (Commonwealth) reintroduce the project after October 14th. The problem in this case is the limited time available to the representatives to block a Brexit without agreement, what Johnson is looking for.

Johnson foresaw that his government "will carry out an ambitious and courageous legislative program" in which Brexit will be one of the "central themes".

The new date on which the United Kingdom will leave the European Union is the October 31at this point, Johnson will have his "hard Brexit" approved by Parliament.


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