The RAE and a naughty answer to a question about the kind of a color on Twitter – 21/02/2019


A response from the Royal Academy of Language to a Twitter user in which she points out that you can not say "brown" because there are only adjectives Terminals such as "brown", "blue" or "fool" have become viral in the social network.

The user has directed to the Twitter account in the RAE the following question: "Hello @RAEinforma, I have a dilemma.Today, talk about my worst is nothing @JPG_Music, I realized that I can say that a strap is black, but not that is brown, why? Are we discriminating against brownies? Thank you for your attention".

A user asked him why the term marronA can not be used.

A user asked him why the term marronA can not be used.

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And the answer from the RAE was: "There are adjectives of two endings, such as" red, -ja "," yellow, -lla "or" ready, -ta ", and other words. a unique ending, valid for the male and the female, like & # 39; brown & # 39 ;, & # 39; blue & # 39; or & # 39; idiot & # 39; " an answer that has been retweeted over 12,200 times.

RAE sources explained that the Academy of Language I did not insult anyone with this message and that "fool" is another adjective from the list provided to the user in his answer.

The RAE response on Twitter has generated hundreds of comments and memes.

The RAE response on Twitter has generated hundreds of comments and memes.

The RAE account on Twitter receives 300 queries a day to which a department of linguists responds in a neutral manner to all users, stressed the sources of the Language Academy, who insisted that it was a question about the linguistic context of the question and in no way an insult.

This is not the first time that the institution that regulates the Spanish language intervenes in social networks by answering the questions of its subscribers. Only a few days ago, he did so by answering a badual question and also participated in lots of fun things between River and Boca fans.

"The following is a very common question among us Twitter users. We would like to know if "I invite you to see me Netflix" is written in G or J. Of course, thank you very much ", asked a user Feb. 14, Valentine's Day.

RAE's Twitter account response was up to par: "In any of its senses, the verb" catch "is written with" g "the way the sound [j] go before "e", "i": catch, take; and with "j" the way this sound goes before "a", "or": lame, let's take ".

@RAEinforma Like they are?

I would like to know if the sentence "And go the third and go the third and go the third and the purpose of the river and the purpose of the river" would not be better separated by commas, namely:

"And the third, the third, the third, River goal and River goal".

Cordial greetings

– Juan, the RAE fan. (@ casabuenas87) February 5, 2019

As for the questions on a loaded tone of Superclásico, there is also the Real Academia has agreed to join the jokes. "How are you?" I would like to know if the phrase "And go the third and go the third and go the third and River goal and River goal," asked a fan of the Millionaire and the RAE replied: "Indeed , between each repeated sentence must be written comma: "And the third goes, and goes the third, and goes the third, and the purpose of the river, and the purpose of the river" ".

Source: EFE



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