The RAE did it again: they asked questions about colors and discrimination and made a little subtle joke


There are days, the SAR was news for a two-way answer that he shared on Twitter. But you see that the community manager (or administrator of the community, so that they do not come to correct us), he has a free way to do what is sung to him. A new strong message in the social network seems to confirm this theory.

Now virality came from a question about "color discrimination" (?) "Hello @RAEinforma, I have a dilemma.Today, talking about the worst is that there is nothing @JPG_Music.I realized that I can say that a strap is black, but not that 'she is brown, why do we discriminate against the brown? attention', writes the user @verdesrosas, which paradoxically carries TWO colors in his name.

Hi @RAEinformaI have a dilemma Today, talking to my worst is nothing @JPG_Music I realized that I can say that a strap is black, but not that she is brown. Because? Are we discriminating against brownies? Thank you for your attention.

– Betibú (@verdesrosas) February 20, 2019

The answer of the RAE? A funny troll, with a subtle adjective: "Imbecil".

"#RAEconsults There are adjectives of two endings, such as "red, -ja", "yellow, -lla" or "listo, -ta", and others of only one termination, valid for the masculine and the feminine, as "brown", "blue" or "imbecile".

#RAEconsults There are adjectives of two endings, such as "red, -ja", "yellow, -lla" or "ready, -ta", and others of a single ending, valid for the masculine and the feminine, such as "brown", "blue" or "imbecile".

– RAE (@RAEinforma) February 20, 2019

In addition to several "likes" and RT, the tweet of the Royal Spanish Academy has generated fun responses.


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