The RAE has again demonstrated against the inc …


Once again the The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) called the use of inclusive language “unnecessary”, following a request made by a user via Twitter under the hashtag #dudaRAE, the channel through which the institution receives questions about the language.

“Saying girls or everyone in exchange for boys and all is silly?” One user asked via Twitter, to which the @RAEinforma account replied: “The use of the letter ‘e’ as a supposed gender inclusive mark is foreign to the morphology of SpanishIn addition to being unnecessary, since the grammatical masculine (“boys”) already fulfills this function as an unmarked term of the gender opposition “.

Reluctant to grammatical changes, the Royal Spanish Academy tends to demonstrate against these increasingly widespread forms, even if, as its director Santiago Muñoz Machado argued some time ago, it is not “closed” to de such openings when “they are reasonable, they do not harm the language and maintain its beauty and especially its economy.”

This is not the first time that the RAE has answered these questions, like this funny question that agitated the networks because of the provocative nature of the questioning: “What happens with adjectives like” happy “when the inclusive plural is used? ” happy “or” Are the girls happy? “they asked.

At that point, the RAE responded in a manner similar to its recent position: “The use of the ‘x’ as a supposed gender inclusive mark is alien to the morphology of Spanish, as well as unnecessary and unpronounceable. ; the grammatical masculine already fulfills it works as an unmarked gender opposition term: “Boys are happy”.

In line with these events, the institution withdrew the pronoun “she” from its Observatory last month, after having faced a small step forward towards the recognition of an inclusive language.

“Due to the confusion generated by the presence of” she, “it was deemed best to delete this entry. And they clarified,” When the functioning and role of this section is widely publicized, it will be reassessed. ”


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