The RAE proposes to call a “covidote” who refuses to comply with health regulations to avoid contagion – Télam


One of the demonstrations for the isolation measures in Madrid.

One of the demonstrations for the isolation measures in Madrid.

The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) has approved the use of the word “covidiota” to define “people who refuse to comply with health regulations enacted to prevent the spread of covid”, it was reported on Monday via the Historical Dictionary of the Spanish Language. .

Covidiota has its etymology in the “structural outline of the English covidiot, a voice attested in this language since 2020 in the press, and already recorded in the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2020); and this, in turn, of covid and silly, “says the RAE via its website.

“It is also attested as an adjective, like” person who refuses to comply with the health rules dictated for the contagion of covid “in April 2020, in the Diario de Sevilla, in the article of AS Ameneiro, they have added.

Among the family of derived words, they detail “covidiotez”, which they define as “the attitude or the quality of a person who refuses to comply with the health rules dictated to avoid the contagion of the covid”.

And as a synonym, the word “covidiotism” can also be used, details the RAE.


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